
Favorite genre

Hiphop, Rock/Metal, R&B, Dance/Disco, Electronic/Techno, Classical/New Age, Soul/Funk/Groove

Favorite artists

Twenty One Pilots, Cavetown, In Love With A Ghost, Owl City, Fall Out Boy, wendy02149, Chris638, Vampire Weekend, OneRepublic, X Ambassadors, Kim Dracula, Mitski, Shinee, Mother Mother, NF, Lord Huron, Doechii, Lady Gaga

About me

People change. Circumstances change. Motivations change.

I want to make good music. Please critique honestly, because I certainly can't get any better without your help! Tell me what you like AND disliked about the song. It makes me feel worth someone's time when they look closely at my work and tell me the good and bad and what I can change in future projects.

I would recomend DJSilver, soulgrim, oeroe2911 [who doesn't know who he is???] Thienien, Chris638, Mafty, Retexid, jlee23 and CircusMaid.

Last visit - March 17th 2025
Being here was an experience.

If anyone somehow finds this site again, here are a few things. :'D I made this account when I was 12, or around that age. Exposed. Listening back, I remember how a lot of these songs sounded. Part of my childhood was spent on here, and while part of me cringes at that, I don't really feel like touching anything. I genuinely liked some of the stuff that I put out, and listening back I really don't hate my songs. The songs you can make here just have a certain sound to them, it doesn't really sound like anything else, and you can hear the breaks in bars where new instruments come in.

But if you want to know what musicshake sounded like, here are a few of the songs that I still enjoy, so you don't have to dig through thousands of songs. My taste in music is probably (?) different from yours. I loved and still do love electronic music, heavy bass, and a very rhythmic beat. You'll hear a lot of fast drums in my songs, for that I apologize, it's just uncalled for. I enjoy most things soulful sounding, and considering what you have to work with here, it's kind of hard to find.

ALSO it took reaching adulthood to realize a lot of people had the downloaded software, and I never had access to that. Idk if I didn't know it existed, or just didn't know how to get it. Anyway, that's part of why the "music" I published here sounded the way it did.

my songs:
(if you're interested in something that doesn't sound like a song! --> I ain't afraid of you
Good and Evil
Don't Die
Missing You

songs I come back to listen to:
Parasite Eve (The Fable) -- Mafty (bass *^*) http://eng.musicshake.com/song/228701
Mourning Red -- Chris638 (warning: loud)
Darkest Thoughts -- Chris638
-xH@ck3r DetEct3dx- -- borinicano
Misery Speaks -- Chris638
Sword Art Online -- CircusMaid
Ao no Exorcist -- CircusMaid
Gaara -- kana3
Wake Snakes -- Gr8peAp3

a perfect song to illustrate why i should never have had access to this kind of software -->
Resolver http://eng.musicshake.com/song/256974

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JuliaCrane - 5 years ago

It's SO SAD that musicshake is no more due to no flash player. I'm really disappointed this platform was deserted by the creators of the website. I got a few of my old songs downloaded by 12/31/20 before flash went down. I emailed in vain; but if there's a miracle, maybe they'll rework the site to include the newer technologies to get it up and running again; but I won't hold my breath! It always had potential to be so much more. Best of luck to you! JuliaCrane.

IamR - 4 years ago

I managed to download some of my favorites before flash went down. It feels like letting go of a childhood item....it's really a shame they let the site go.

ataurus - 7 years ago

Hello IamR,
"It's·For·Real" has been posted at:
hope you enjoy if you have time to take a listen. Thank you.

viceversa - 7 years ago

Much more …
this was the atmosphere I was looking for.

ataurus - 7 years ago

Hello IamR,
I'm going against saying earlier that I 'stopped promoting'. This one, I think, is another acception. Many hours spent not to mention countless 'test' unloads trying to get the sound 'right'. Just didn't want to leave you out. I hope you enjoy. Thank you.
'Get The Party Started' has been posted at

ataurus - 7 years ago

Hello IamR,
I stopped promoting my songs 6-7 or more songs back, and I'm not seeking any particular response for this one either. I just had a feeling that you might enjoy it because I think it tunrned out to be balanced and well rounded. Take listen if you have time. Thank you.
'Miri Wants To Dance' has been posted at

ProjectX - 8 years ago

MY BROTHER AND SISTERS OF MS!!! IM BACK WITH A NEW SONG! Sorry for my very long hiatus but i'm in the mood for music and what better way than to shake things up here on MusicShake! I hope you enjoy! http://eng.musicshake.com/song/308816

ccollins - 8 years ago

Oh look.. its a fan of Thienien's.. eek, i better be careful where i promote my songs.. :P
Lol, joking.. someone has to like him..

Be determined
Keep committed
and be defiant..

Determined, Committed, Defiant is out now!
Also, an announcement of my first ever album on my profile (about freakin' time i did an album!)

ataurus - 8 years ago

'Just A Song' has been posted:
check it out if you're interested. Thank you.

ataurus - 8 years ago

Hello IamR,
'My Name is Miri' has been posted
hope you find it quite entertaining.Thank you.

ataurus - 8 years ago

Hello IamR,
'Day After Day' has been posted:
check it out if you have time. Thank you.

nameddog - 8 years ago

Star Conversation

ccollins - 8 years ago

Because people who cant seem to get enough of the taste of Thienien's ass..


davidk - 8 years ago

This is a fire colab between noctiscaelum and myself. A unique blend of sounds unlike anything you have heard. Listen and enjoy. Show support by rating and adding it as a favorite.


Thienien - 8 years ago


Hello, this a popular off tune of the Veteran artist Thienien.
Enjoy this creative tune about the Innocent light of the future

jayden205 - 8 years ago

I've been gone for so long, maybe this isn't a good idea?

Jumelax - 8 years ago

-Hello everyone...
I wish you would listen to this melody and I hope you really enjoy your time doing it.

Thank you very much n_n.


missrenegade - 8 years ago

Last song of my first album! Put on your headphones and join me in my journey...

Towards The Silver Lining

Also take a look at the album cover here: https://www.canva.com/design/DACblUlsCeI/view

PianoNinja - 8 years ago

Awesome heavy metal collab with davidk. Hope you listen when you have the chance! :)


PianoNinja - 8 years ago

This song is dedicated to those in my life who've been by my side to help me through thick and thin, believed in me, and encouraged me. They will always be the most cherished people in my life.

NEW SONG!! (finally) Hope you guys enjoy my most recent creation, "Memories of You"

Undine - 8 years ago

My new song, hope you'll listen to it.
Our Nature

Undine - 8 years ago

I wasn't really happy with my last song, but I'm really happy with this one

davidk - 8 years ago

Happy 4th of July !!!!!!

THESOULWOLF8 - 8 years ago

Come take a peek at my new swongs

Conjure me immortal

Saturn turned to ash

ccollins - 8 years ago

Dedicated to anyone who has the audacity to fuck with me (pastelp..)

Bender, Back Down

davidk - 8 years ago


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