
Favorite genre

Hiphop, Rock/Metal, R&B, Dance/Disco, Electronic/Techno, Pop, Ballad, Classical/New Age, Soul/Funk/Groove

Favorite artists

Lindsey Stirling, Nirvana, Bob Marley, Marilyn Manson, Iron Maiden, Motorhead, Diplo, Ptv, HU, AS, etc

About me

Re-doing my profile: Take #2
Hallo! Call me whatever you'd like. My real name is a secret mwahahah. I'm just a young guy who desires to be a Child's Therapist in a few years and also takes on the passion of making music. My favorite instruments are by far the drums, violins, and piano. Unfortunately I can't play my drums where i live because of certain circumstances, and thats why I'm here. Musicshake is an amazing site that helps people of all kinds to bring out their inner beauty into songs. I know, it may sound cheesy and some may disagree and point out the presumption that it is just a "hobby", but I think of it as something greater than that. You constantly make different songs while at the same time improving on new songs. Just like you carve your own inner beauty, so that people from thousands of miles away, will be able to recognize it as your own. My favorite band(s)? Well, I have a ton of them but some of them are Nirvana, HU, AS, Ptv, etc. I love all types of music, as long as they're catchy, I'm all ears! Anything else? Feel free to ask me, I don't bite...much. Oh and since you're reading this, why don't you scroll down and listen to one of my songs? Any and all advice/feedback is greatly appreciated by me as I always enjoy improving. Thank you and have a great day!

~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~IMPORTANT UPDATES!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~

- I've been really busy recently, with work and other issues.
But yea I'm trying to find myself some free time so I can get back to what I was doing (making music!). Be patient young traveler, thou shalt recieveth thy gift in due time(it made sense in my head I swear)

-MS took out the feature to upload your own Hopefully they either change it back to the way it was, or they add something better....I dont know

!~!~Check out my new friend Christina's SoundCloud! She has an awesome voice and could use the support!

-93 fans!!! Wow! Thank you guys so much!! You all are so awesome!


Collab with Drago887 (Waiting for him to finish)

Wanna do a collab? Just ask me.

Listening to: Relics - Nameddog

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Sefen - 6 years ago

Hello my friend I have returned please check my latest music

CAB1 - 6 years ago


Ryokuza - 7 years ago

I have returned.. it has been far too long. Hope all is well?
Please take some time and check out my latest tune, As Daylight Dawns.
All the best,

nameddog - 8 years ago
Enjoying The Sunshine

lapoide - 9 years ago

Hi !
New World
I hope you get a chance to listen
Thank you !

lapoide - 9 years ago

Hi !
"Guardian Angels"
I hope you get a chance to listen
Thank you !

lapoide - 9 years ago

Hi !
This song is for Sneazle's tournament, only if you like please rate comment and favorite
Thank you !

thekoolgirl - 9 years ago

Spreading joy this holiday season.

Chart listings
Fans of ChaoticCandy