
Favorite artists

Favorite Genres: Trip-Hop, Juke/Footwork, Trap, Indie Rock, Jazz, Ambient, Psytrance

About me

Favorite Artists
Shpongle, Ott, Tipper, Amon Tobin, Little Snake, Eprom, Tsuruda, Machinedrum, Noisia, Rohaan, Moody Good, Bleep Bloop, Ivy Lab, Phish, NSP, a few shakers, etc.

About Me
Hi! My name's Tyler, Tyler Dykstra! Let me tell you about myself! :D

25 Year old musician
Birthday June 2 (Gemini)
Been here since Nov. 2012 when I was 14
AKA The Connoisseur of Imagination
dubbed the Lord of Trance on Musicshake.

.....。ॐ。*。ॐ 。

You can find more tunes i write here:
update(^^I'm on here cuz the shake is history)
update:update:: i'm always gonna scroll thru here from time to time.. :))

Notable Works:
Enter The Void
The Bike Ride on Mars
The Psychedelic Experience (A New Form of LSD)
Enter Wonderland
Primordial Dolphins
A Night in the Forest
Bunnies and Dragonflies (acidumis189/2nd acc.)
Spirits of tranquility
Psychedelic Land
Travelling Through Hyperplanes
Caverns to Blue Organic Chandeliers
Trans-Dimensional Tunnels (forever unreleased :D)

'-' (-,_,-) '-'

"Some may never live, but the crazy never die."
- Hunter S. Thompson

i just want to make one thing clear. my name may have been used around by certain someones, but i just want to make it absolutely clear that i had zero affiliation with other names provided. i was an impressionable, toxic, young, changing teenager, and i had no clarity on situations. i ran into a circumstance that i felt like i needed to stop to maintain peace amongst the shakers, but i was a toxic child doing so. i never asked a question and i never assessed the situation. i was a fool. i was independent. dirt can still be thrown, but i acted on my own.

based on past events on this site, i come to the conclusion that everybody here just tryna make a tune. otherwise good vibez, meme hard, keep smiling, love urself, and love each other

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blanktown48 - 2 years ago

"no longer loads Flash Player or runs Flash content"

just tried to 'revive' my tunes by downloading them. i definitley missed my window.... pleas Rest in Peace, my mellifluous creations; You will never be forgotten.....

CAB1 - 2 years ago

use the puffin app to go into the mixer. it still works somehow

CAB1 - 3 years ago


blanktown48 - 2 years ago

literally sounds like bull shit. but why in the actuall fuck is the ethernet not doing?

seriously dude, i actually would play and say hi, but i'm so mad about internet. IT SHOULD JUST FUCKING WORK

CAB1 - 2 years ago

It’s all good, let me know if you end up getting it to work and want to game some

blanktown48 - 2 years ago

not anything else going on. i’m still making music on online daw. audiotool. i never stopped making music. it’s my blood.

i hope u see this. i hope your’e well. i hope u can forgive me.

blanktown48 - 2 years ago

As much as i would like to join and say hi, i haven’t the right circumstances to do so.

The system used to be closer to the internet, but now it is moved further away.

I am trying to find a solution, although it is taking a lot longer than anticipated.

somehow even ethernet isn’t working.

well. take it as you may, i’d like to say hi, regardless. and i’m sorry

i’m 25 and i finally attended drivers ed and completed the class. i just gotta learn the car and take the test.

blanktown48 - 2 years ago

In the past two years - maybe more cant remember - this is my only notification. welcome to the graveyard that is the shake. It's like an old abandoned restaurant everyone went to.

Hey buddy... i know it's been a while.
i know i been distant and not transparent. like a fng wall

well to tell you the truth, i have a mic.
but i haven't the motivation to play online.

when i finally built up the courage, i discovered i can't even connect online to the servers. i can't even join a party.

JuliaCrane - 5 years ago

It's SO SAD that musicshake is no more due to no flash player. I'm really disappointed this platform was deserted by the creators of the website. I got a few songs downloaded by 12/31/20 before flash went down. I emailed in vain; but if there's a miracle, maybe they'll rework the site to include the newer technologies to get it up and running again; but I won't hold my breath! It always had potential to be so much more. Best of luck to you! JuliaCrane.

JuliaCrane - 5 years ago

I don’t know how soon I’ll be back on here, it could be tomorrow or 6 months from now; but take care & stay creative!!

JuliaCrane - 5 years ago

Well said, blanktown! MS filled some empty places in my life & dragged me out of my shell to connect with other music shakers, for sure. I had been on Audiotool, also, a long while back, but life events and other interests kept me too busy for the most part for much playing around with music mixing. However, I’ve used Auxy (iOS) & GarageBand and did post a couple of those songs plus som MS mixes on SoundCloud. Platforms have changed & everyone wants money so most new music stays on my compute

blanktown48 - 5 years ago

it had its run and i had a ton of fun. but with the end of one chapter, is the start of another. musicshake was an important step in my staircase, and audiotool sure is another, and i have accepted the fact that neither one are a permanent place in my run. my home in music is not where i make it, but how i make it. i will have fun no matter where i make music. :)

blanktown48 - 5 years ago

for the oddest reason, when i grabbed my new computer, it seemed to support flash and musicshake, however it could not load up a mix or even work on... anything, on musicshake. so for a time, i been mixing over at audiotool, from which i found by a bully that floated around here. but its a lil more up my alley where the sounds are totally up to me.. BUT musicshke has made itself a legacy for those who participated a loving memory, and those who didn't something they wish they did.

RemixJunky - 5 years ago

Hello blanktown48,
has been posted
Hope you enjoy when you get a chance. Thank you!

RemixJunky - 5 years ago

Hello blanktown48,
Panta rhei has been posted
Hope you enjoy when you get a chance to stop by.
Thank you!

89Ford - 5 years ago

Hello old friend

blanktown48 - 5 years ago

Hey buddy :)

RemixJunky - 6 years ago

Hello blanktown48,
'ĴǗŜŤ ČĤĮĹĹĮŇ' has been posted
Hope it brightens up your day =)
Thank you

ccollins - 6 years ago

There's times you'll feel down, and that you can't be bothered with anything.

That's what this is about.


Chesterfield - 6 years ago
My first song plz tell me what you think

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