
Hiphop, Rock/Metal, R&B, Dance/Disco, Electronic/Techno, Pop, Jazz, Latin, Classical/New Age, Soul/Funk/Groove
Hoodie Allen, Watsky, Eminem, Hopsin, Arion, August Alsina, MGK, Chiddy Bang, Green Day (Older Albums), Eve 6, Red Jumpsuit, My Chemical Romance, We As Human, G-Eazy, Sam Adams, Tayyib Ali, Vaski, Etc. The list goes on and on and on and on...
Hey Everyone and WELCOME!
My name is Monty Casper and I am currently living in America.
I look to satisfy your ears. (Geez that sounded kinky)
But anyways be sure to read my bio to get to know me, comment questions and fan me! Tons of my own made beats coming! :3
I am going into future careers in the following:
.Graphic Design
.Tattooing ( Maybe)
.Acting ( Maybe)
My hobbies consist of the following:
.Fire Spinning
.Mtn. Biking
.Hardcore Gamer
.Photography and Photo Editing
.Making Music (Obviously)
My main purpose in life is to experience the interesting concepts that few get to. Unique is my style. I want to explore abandoned and forgotten places such as the abandoned Disney World in China. Or broken down houses, etc.
Throughout my life I go by an old concept called an "American Dream" yet I put my own standards to this cultural idea.
My main goal in life is to not live a lie. To support a wife and kids. To grow up rather than stay immature.
The best way to describe me IS the word Unique.
I go by the name Monty Casper because back in elementary school I was bullied and called assortment of names like ghost, albino-fuck, whitey, whigger, etc. All because I was really really pale. I then adopted this bullying, molded it to the word Casper and formed it into my own trademark name "Monty Casper", Monty being my first name.
Right now I'm in my senior year of high school and yes I cant wait to leave this place.
I unfortunately don't drive and wish I could soon.
My self esteem is at an all time high and will never be crushed so comment whatever you will. I will not delete it.
.Never done drugs, drinking, smoking, etc.
.I went 4 years without cutting
.I know how to draw an excellent Sea-Bear Circle
.Got out of the friend zone....TWICE...
.Fast Learner
.Quick With Words
.Smart ( To A Degree)
.Socially Skilled
Please do fan me and be excited for a good year to come of slow and fast repetitive and funk beats/songs.