
Favorite genre

Hiphop, Rock/Metal, Electronic/Techno, Classical/New Age

Favorite artists

imagine dragons, Katy Perry, Ke$ha,

About me

I`m a NINTENDO fan you can tell by the picture, i have played the computer one super smash bros, i have the SUPER SMASH BROS MELEE and SUPER SMASH BROS BRAWL. i cant wait for the fourth one i like drawing anime I really like music a lot of types but im not hard metal rock fan but thats it so please enjoy my songs

Songs by michcatkitty (3) see all
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coco31 - 12 years ago

Hello there fellow shakers... uhm if you have time or doing nothing, how about listen to my 3rd tracks collection "Dreams & Nighmares". I just finish it and I want to share it :))

From the title "Metal Walker to Nightmares"


artimani - 13 years ago

Mainly,drums are the leaders of my music,but now the role is given to the acoustic guitar,so oppositions are welcomed.:)


appie19 - 13 years ago


SourHead101 - 13 years ago

Here's a song that will give you the spooks and shivers XD

oeroe2911 - 13 years ago

Ancient Wisdom ! a Song I want to Dedicate to our Friend Shaker...ANCIENT !
We need first to Change our selves in a possitive way! We already Started....

oeroe2911 - 13 years ago

a very Dark Mystery Tale Dedicated to Lady TurnTable !!
Enjoy!! grtz. OEROE ! WITH YOU;;

oeroe2911 - 13 years ago

a New Song Dedicated to 'my Batman & Robin' on MS..Bantha and Luana !!!
Two 'HarDLine' MusicMakers, who inspired my to study 'the Tools' needed
to create a Good Song, ans always are 'there'for advise or nice comment!
'the HarDLine' a Techno Blockbuster which 'Fits Them' !! Enjoy...

oeroe2911 - 13 years ago

Weird Entities...the Gathering of the Synthezisers...
Where Music turns in to Art..!Enjoy it!!I spent a lot of time..and Formost my Love into this Beauty!!

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