
Rock/Metal, Classical/New Age
Top Favorite: Hardline Close Second: Harem Scarem Others: Pink Cream 69. Steelheart, Whitesnake,
I'm just a teen who loves the sound of rock music. It's very rare to find me listening to hip-hop, dance, techno or anything like that. Though, I do like Latin music. :P
(Quick FYI: When I mention Hardline I don't mean HARDLINEofNorway. >:)
I play, compose & write music everyday of my life already. I just like to visit sites like this to make something a little different. I'm a rocker at heart & I have a huge passion for music. I respect the rock genre because, unlike pop, real instruments are played. & even if rock is played with a guitar, it still has a more diverse variety of sounds & subgenres than your average pop station. Any genre that uses real instruments has my respect. Don't get me wrong though, there are some acceptable techno or alternative songs I like. There's just not many.
I hope you enjoy the music I've made on musicshake. I make music by albums so more than one song is gonna have the same cover. Though I basically quit, every song sounds too close to each other & I'm getting bored of everyone on the site having the same sound. So, farewell. :)
Hey guys, CAPIT4L here. This is a duo made up of who you may know previously as disco19 and metalguy1357. Well-known across the Musicshake community as the cousins, we are overjoyed to announce that we are soon to release a new electronic album, sometime in early 2018. We are just putting this message out there. Check our profile for more details as the release comes closer. In the meantime, please advertise on our profile if you want us to check out any of your songs. We'll be happy to!
no prob! :)
thx for the fan!!