Elysium created by HEBS 11 years ago

Plays: 80 Favorites: 22
Genre: Ballad Mood: Light/Bright Theme: Animation

Here it is. My last song. I have worked very hard on this song. It was inspired by a previous song I did called paradise. I'm very happy with my work on this song, and consider it my best. Its a ballad that starts at classical and works its way up to having some pop elements.

Yes this is my last song, and here's why
-I have Frooty Loops Producer edition to make my music (My souncloud will be where I post, here is the link: https://soundcloud.com/minervo)
-I'm tired of the politics of this site, I'd rather focus on the music then get a long lecture about boosting. I will admit, I cared about my chart postion at first and did boost my songs, but then the charts didn't give me as much satisfaction as haing you guys comment on my songs. I have always disliked the people on this site who are constantly starting things up. You know who you are if you do it
-I'm losing fans. I don't have as many people interested in listening to my music when I post the link.
-I'm unpopular. I feel like my clash with Cole has left some bitter of me, and that is their reason for ignoring me.
-I have too many exterior obligations with school and debate. (Nationals are this weekend in Chicago :D)

Please don't try to contact me outside of musicshake trying to get me back, or listen to one more song, because I am done. Thank you everyone who has been a true fan all the way through, If you comment below I can give you a more personal thanks.

This is HEBS saying bye for the last time!!!

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GoldenCarp - 11 years ago

Fruity loops is the bomb........
but then again........................

HEBS - 11 years ago


GComet - 11 years ago


GComet - 11 years ago

Oh wait, I forgot that he came back for a little bit, *Tears of happiness*

MorrisonGKM - 11 years ago

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! DON'T LEAVE US HEBS! You've been a great friend to me and have made great music during your time here. I really will miss you if you do leave. I really don't want such a good person such as yourself to go, but if you feel that's what you must really do, I can't stop you. I wish you the best on your life outside of music shake and hope we can play Xbox together, or still email each other since I can't talk to you here. Good bye, good friend...

MorrisonGKM - 11 years ago

Okay, no problem. I'll be looking forward to it next week. :)

HEBS - 11 years ago

Ok!!! I can't get on until next week though, but I look forward to it!!!!

MorrisonGKM - 11 years ago

I added you and sent you a message! :D

HEBS - 11 years ago

No problem!!!! If you ever want to friend me, I'm katanapro999!!! Even if you don't have gold we can still private chat!!!

MorrisonGKM - 11 years ago

I also want to thank you again, for being my first fan. You're a truly great person and you helped me win battles and share my music. Thanks again.

luana01 - 11 years ago

I agree with you on some points .. it is true that everyone does not bother to listen to music .. and I do not anymore because my time is taken up by other things ... and it there is a lot of selfishness on this site yes it's true ... I also wanted to leave but the music is a passion and it makes for itself .. congratulations for your music

HEBS - 11 years ago

Well said my friend!!!

luana01 - 11 years ago

we must continue to make music because it is our passion and for us, not for others

HEBS - 11 years ago

what do you mean?

luana01 - 11 years ago

we must not leave my friend

HEBS - 11 years ago

Thanks luana!!!!! I'm happy to have someone agree with me!!! Thank you also for being one of my first fans!!!

oeroe2911 - 11 years ago

Well well well....well you already must know how I feel about you, and I have something to say to you, so I am going to contact you anyway, even if you don't want that! LOL SO EXPECT ME! OEROE<#@@#>

oeroe2911 - 11 years ago

I will do that my friend! and I'm posting a new song in a minute, and the songtittle will be "hopefully" about you.....just in case....you know?? LOL!

HEBS - 11 years ago

ok, just facebook message me whenever

pastelp - 11 years ago

i just want to say, i am very proud of you for being able to leave musicshake behind and continue on your music journey!!! you're very inspiring to me and i wish you the best. :) i'll follow you on soundcloud so I may keep listening to your music <3

HEBS - 11 years ago

Sweet man!!!! Thanks!!!

Ariyandi - 11 years ago

Amazing ballad sound. Keep success my best friend, wherever you are :D

HEBS - 11 years ago

Thanks my good friend!!!!

GComet - 11 years ago

When HEBS'S Comet gets lost...

The shrine Is here........

HEBS - 11 years ago

Awww thanks G!!!

GComet - 11 years ago

The comets miss you

Jackmusic - 11 years ago

Good luck elsewhere in life. I understand how you feel. I will miss you and i hope this song gets number 1 on the charts. bye!

roughtice - 11 years ago

That was very pretty music. Nice work.

HEBS - 11 years ago

Thanks roughtice!!!!

Chart listings
May 19 2014
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