The Wolf's Moon (Mix) created by OhhKayy 14 years ago

Plays: 73 Favorites: 23
Genre: Classical/New Age Mood: Cool/Refreshing Theme: Other

"As I venture into the forest where darkness overcomes my fears. I am alone. The wolf in a world of sheep, who graze and are easily frightened to leave the vicinity of their homes. I become cold, I become depressed. But one thing keeps me going... the moon's light. It's magnetic trance is mystifying. Without it, I have no way of seeing my path. My destiny. So I run. I run as fast as I can into the wonders the moon wants me to discover.

As I stand on a cliff, I look where the light hits, the sparkles. Oh, how dazzling my eyes felt. How warm my heart felt. The moon is my friend, my savior. I go on... howling my troubles away"--Kayy :)

I've been wanting to make a song like this, dedicated to wolves and the moon for a long time. So, i'm pretty darn proud of this song< 3

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Aerocaeli - 13 years ago

Wow this is amazing!! I love the description, really heartfelt!(: The song is soo perfect it really matches the power of a wolf and it sounds quite mysterious and almost like a trance I love it!! sorry for the late reply, i've been pretttyyy busy :p but yeah I hope all's good with you!! :D

luana01 - 14 years ago

very good:)

scootch - 14 years ago

another good mix. love that wah guitar. very well put together.

iPinkStar - 14 years ago

Very soothing :) thanks for telling me about it.

OhhKayy - 14 years ago

No problem! And thanks for listening :)

Qusha - 14 years ago

Love the tromolo! and the guitar also..
Wolves and the moon, can't be separated...

OhhKayy - 14 years ago

Thank you! Yes, they need each other! :)

stEAmpowered - 14 years ago

Very interesting =) Ususally wolves play the bad guys for eating the sheep, but I like how you just toss aside musical bounderies and do your own thing. I don't believe in classifying songs by genres, but by emotion. And this song has a whole lot of greatness mixed in it =D!

OhhKayy - 14 years ago

YES! I didn't want to be cliche and say "OH! I'm a wolf inside" or whatever. I just thought there was another perspective that Wolves have besides "hunting", like maybe they admire the beauty around them, their environments, along with their feelings :) thank you!

Flashstar95 - 14 years ago

Love it!

OhhKayy - 14 years ago

Thank you!

CaptainFlint - 14 years ago

Real Pirate song!!!

CaptainFlint - 14 years ago

Yes, they both kinda hunters!

OhhKayy - 14 years ago

Aha, sure if pirates love wolves ^-^

PhoenixT3 - 14 years ago

lone wolf pak! goin straight attack! shut the f@$% up or get the f@$% bak!!! og lyrics by phonixt3 v_v local enemy livin till i die...
^w^ love the song ohhkayy
sorry for the blak moment =p...^-^ lol

OhhKayy - 14 years ago

Lmfao.. how cute :3

Blackats - 14 years ago

Zomg!! Why didn't I check on this when I had the chance!! This is so beautiful! Wolves are my second fab animal aside from foxes! ^_^ lovin it!

OhhKayy - 14 years ago

Haha thanks! Ahh foxes are adorable! ^-^

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Apr 02 2012
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