The Pain Taker created by OhhKayy 13 years ago

"I am one among a few who have a special duty. We carry the pain, the grief, the saddness that our other selves cannot deal with. We are seperated from them in another world that is dark, rocky, and we inhabit our own areas. My other self, she sees me in her dreams. She tries to mask her own pain, only because she doesn't want to show her dismays to the world. She worries about those she love the most, her friends. She would do anything to help them. So i fight, i fight to keep her from suffering. I fight to free those who are suffering around her. I carry all her pain on my shoulders and i don't mind it. We have no feelings, no heart. We only act on their choices. On their actions. One by one, i set them free, but once she--me has that breakdown. She's stuck in my world, inside of me. She tries to stop me because she knows it isn't fair for someone to carry her pain. We meet face to face, a mere mirror mirage. She doesn't recognize me but i am her, her other self. Once i'm gone, she'll be free. But no, i'll keep fighting on to keep her from suffering, it's my duty."
solid work
= )
Nice of you to put those dark rhythms in the intro. lol nice job! I was confused a little bit because there was a lot of mixed rhythms of inst. playing at once, so I wasn't quite sure what to hear. But... later on, it starts to make sense! :) A lot of feelings I have felt in the song, great transitions (especially the piano part) Nice job Kayy, I really like the song overall! :D
Awsome Song!
really cool song
Thanks :)
love the beat
Hi OhhKayy !! a very emotional and 'very deep'story with this song!
the only thing I can say is...I know the feeling, and I think you translate
the feelings very well in the song! good job! cheerz. oeroe.
Aww thank you. Yeah, i thought no one would get the transitions meaning different emotions or scenes about the story.
welcome back!
and Great job!
Thanks! Awesome, thanks for listening.
interesting, well done
welcome back:)
Thank you very much :)
It was rather good. a good work.
Thanks, i think it could have been better. I just don't have the patience at times.
YAY your back :D
Yeah, but i won't be staying on.