
Favorite genre

Hiphop, Classical/New Age

Favorite artists

akon,imagine dragon,eminem,and black label society

About me

i am a thirteen year-old boy who likes to rap and i am trying to push off my music carrer so if any music producers listin please help me by advice or even just by listining to my songs
a musicshaker emmy082101 made me think of a new mado 'life may be hard but we have to live it

i have a weird brother chris12312

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Ryokuza - 9 years ago

Hey there! I have officially returned to Musicshake after my long hiatus. Here's 2 new songs, one from the old album that was completed, but never posted, and one from the new album.
Hope you like them both!
Blessed by Fire - http://eng.musicshake.com/song/298899
Lost In Her Eyes - http://eng.musicshake.com/song/298897

Jackmusic - 10 years ago

Please check out my new metal/ rock song Death Toll! If you like rock then you'll like it.

Sneazle - 10 years ago

Hey guys I'm back!
Please check out my new song Tidal Wave!!!

Pisky05 - 10 years ago

I have been absent for a long time.
And now here I am with a new song "To Be Strong".
I hope you enjoy it.


kx30 - 11 years ago

Give my new song a listen! This will probably be my last song for awhile!
I appreciate all the support LINK: http://eng.musicshake.com/song/266857
- kx

ProjectX - 11 years ago

Hello my fellow shaker! This is a special song, made just for you, my fans!!! http://eng.musicshake.com/song/263224 I hope you like and enjoy

Jakio - 11 years ago

Album: Day Zero
Track 11: Death to Civilization

Hello, On This day last year i released my Best song, it hit 700+ plays with 60+ favorites, charted #1 I need your help to attempt that again, listen, enjoy, and share :) THANKS ALOT

ProjectX - 11 years ago

Here is a very special song..."From Me To You" http://eng.musicshake.com/song/260225 and I hope that you will like and enjoy my first song of the new year!!

BelGJ - 11 years ago

Hey! Please check my new song! "Grey City", it isn't hiphop but I hope you like it :D http://eng.musicshake.com/song/256962

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