Gallop On The Sand created by JuliaCrane 10 years ago

Plays: 53 Favorites: 12
Genre: Jazz Mood: Light/Bright Theme: Other

I hope you enjoy my "hybrid" experiments in jazz!! I added many different rhythms that may not be purely classic jazz, but I hope you enjoy listening, anyway!!!

I was dreaming the other night about riding a horse on the beach (which I've never actually done), which gave me the inspiration for the title.

Thanks so much for listening!!!!

p.s.after releasing this version, I replayed the instruments one at a time, because in one short section of the song I now hear a discord. I think it's the "strange guitar",so if you hear it too, please try to ignore it! Thanks

Remixed from The Acoustics by jlee23
Genre: Classical/New Age Mood: Warm/Comforting Theme: Other
Other remixes on this song
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brandonj1914 - 10 years ago

Great song Juli!

brandonj1914 - 9 years ago

Juli i'm late too don't feel bad! Lol i'm just glad we were both late around the same time XD i hate missing comments.

JuliaCrane - 9 years ago

So sorry I am late in thanking you for your nice comment, brandon!!! Thanks SO much for listening and for the fave, also!!!

BLiNKS - 9 years ago

Yesssss, I love this! You can *work* some pianos. I always get frustrated because only a few of them do what I want them to do! Great song.

JuliaCrane - 9 years ago

THANKS, BLiNKS!!! I am so happy you liked it!! I was worried people would think it just rambled around too much without a clear I was going to call it "experiments in jazz"

TheOneToBe - 10 years ago


TheOneToBe - 10 years ago

Everything on this site is garbage these days, this was a gem.

JuliaCrane - 10 years ago

Hi, I wasn't sure how to answer your comment...did you think it was ok?

rosypony1 - 10 years ago

oh this is good. oh GAWSH this is good!!!! :O woahhhhhhh....... hahaha nice job Julia!

rosypony1 - 10 years ago


JuliaCrane - 10 years ago

HI, ROSY!!! So glad things are well with you!!! I appreciate that you had time to listen, and I am THRILLED that you enjoyed it!!!! Thanks for the fav, too!!!!!!!

WienArtist - 10 years ago

Ooooh! I really like this one a lot! The beginning was enchanting, and all through the piece I enjoyed the various interactions of the instruments - yeah, quite jazzy, and elegant at the same time. You did an amazing job on this one, JuliaCrane! Keep it up! I also hope that someday you get to gallop for real on the beach. I had horses as a young boy, so I know how wonderful it feels! :-D

WienArtist - 10 years ago

Yes, Julia - you still have your dreams where you can ride horses until your heart is content! <3 :-D

JuliaCrane - 10 years ago

THANKS SO MUCH, WienArtist - I am blown away by your review of this song!!! I am just so thrilled you found it enjoyable enough to leave such amazing comments!! I am also jealous of you for having had horses as a child. I've grown too old & too poor to have or even ride a horse now, but I still have my dreams, right?!!

Sneazle - 10 years ago

Good job

Sneazle - 10 years ago

Any time :-)

JuliaCrane - 10 years ago

THANKS, Sneazle!!! I am glad you had time to listen, and thanks for the comment and for the fav, too!!!!!

jlee23 - 10 years ago

The only resemblance I hear is the pianos, but other than that it sounds rather majestic. Good work

JuliaCrane - 10 years ago

THANK YOU, jlee!!!!! I am glad you liked it enough to comment. I loved those piano voices in your original song along with the chord selection you used!!! Your song is amazing, by the way!!!! Thanks again!!!!!

DrFresh0 - 10 years ago

LOL I actually fell asleep while on a horse as a kid, coincidentally we were at the beach anyways I really liked your song

JuliaCrane - 10 years ago

OH, I am so jealous, DrFresh0!!! I used to watch horses in a corral across the street from our house as a child, and have longed ever since to ride on the beach. That's a great memory for you to have!!! Thanks for the comments, for having time to listen, and for the fav, too!!!!!

ProjectX - 10 years ago

Not only does your description of how you made the title, pretty elegant, but so is this music!!! Glorious and phenomenal Julia!! I really like the piano, guitar and various beat mix!! really well done my friend!!!^^ MORE PLEASE!!!

JuliaCrane - 10 years ago

THANK YOU, ProjectX!!! I'm SO glad you liked it enough to fav it, and leave such lovely comments!! I am truly taken aback, because for myself, I continue to hear things I need to fix in this song. That is, if I ever get enough time online to work on it again! I do want to do more Jazz, as I find it most relaxing to listen to, but a real challenge to mix! THANK YOU AGAIN!!!!

nameddog - 10 years ago

Awesome work Julia. love it.

JuliaCrane - 10 years ago

HI nameddog!!! How are things in Italy? I appreciate the nice comments, and also thanks for the fav!!!

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Feb 08 2016
Feb 29 2016
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