
Favorite genre

Hiphop, Rock/Metal, R&B, Dance/Disco, Electronic/Techno, Pop, Ballad, Classical/New Age

About me

16. Joined 2009-04-12
I'm just a weird girl who likes music, art and video games! lol ^^
Anyways, If you're wondering, I name all my songs with Ice Cream flavors... xD

I make songs every once in awhile. Please check them all out! ^0^
well, hope you guys will like 'em!
Thanks! :3

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Live4Christ - 9 years ago

[ NEW! ] Hey there! would you mind listening to a song I made three days ago, I forgot to share it. Thank you so much! God Bless You!


oknathan - 11 years ago

Hey, check out my new REMIX!

"Go! [i will not cry REMIX] feat. ROLOYOYO"

CarmineLuv - 12 years ago

Let's celebrate the end of "Successful" era with these two last tracks:

"Dive Together Into a New Adventure" = http://eng.musicshake.com/song/213563

"We Never Give Up" = http://eng.musicshake.com/song/213677 bye!

loverai - 12 years ago

friend do read the description there is a SURPRISE for you........!!!

JesusG - 12 years ago

Hello there friend Would you mind checking out my new song "Mystical Hero"? It's part one of my 'Heroic Trilogy' that i will post in the near future. I hope you like it!


OtakuOngaku - 12 years ago

Hello! I figured because I haven't been on Musicshake in a while, I've decided to make two new songs!
Save Me From The Darkness: http://eng.musicshake.com/song/214079
Awesomenes To No Rizumu: http://eng.musicshake.com/song/214086
It was easy to make the songs, because I knew what I was gonna make them about. I suggest you listen to Awesomes To No Rizumu first, because, well... I just love that!


ImSoRawr - 12 years ago

After a boring day, I've put two new songs out and while I might not think they're the best, please have a listen if you want ^_^!

I Don't Care (The Wreck)

Before I Fall

Tarou_ - 13 years ago

HELLO i would Taro flavour if that ice cream excist!!! :P
http://eng.musicshake.com/song/24239 HipHop/Pop [ENG] NEW!
http://eng.musicshake.com/song/205044 Kpop [KOR] 5 years OLD but GOLD?
If you got time for this much love ^^!

Thienien - 13 years ago

First 2013 Release For the Torture-Darkwave Genre
Listen at your own risk. Graphic in Specific ways

"Lord Of Darkwave" Thienien~

rellkid - 13 years ago

http://eng.musicshake.com/song/191621 (*Memory starting, search and destroy!*)
( Sorry I haven't heard your songs yet to the ones who posted song links on my profile but I will defiantly listen to them now if I can! I'm just a lot busy somewhat. )

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