
Favorite genre

Hiphop, R&B, Electronic/Techno, Pop

Favorite artists

VOCALOiD::Kagamine Len and Rin, Miku, Luka, Kaito, Gakupo, Gumi, yeah the whole package there, The Ready Set, Artist Vs. Poet, One Direction, gLee sings awesome songs too. 3rd season already(yay!)

About me

Welcome To My WORLD!
Please don't call me by my username
Call me Jade or Jade
OR Your Highness.. or Jade.
My last name is Kagamine.
YEAH I'm that big a fan of the
Kagamine Twins, Len&Rin!!!!
Hayate No Gotoku
& Baka To Test are awesome animes
(& also Soul Eater)

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Jumelax - 8 years ago

-Hello everyone...
I wish you would listen to this melody and I hope you really enjoy your time doing it.

Thank you very much n_n.


JMColectivo - 9 years ago

- Hi, I would like you to hear my new sound:


- Thank you very much n_n.

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