Matilda The Duck created by Bantha2 13 years ago

Plays: 557 Favorites: 32
Genre: Ballad Mood: Soft/Quiet Theme: Other

This song is dedicated to Matilda the Duck. This morning for some reason, I felt compelled to go for a morning walk. I know now why I went for that walk. As I was walking I saw her lifeless body laying on the ground and I said, Oh this is just wrong. A beautiful young female Mallard duck that had apparently flown into the high powered lines during the night next to walkway I was on. Luckily, there were some planted small trees nearby with their bases covered in mulch, and I took Matilda over there and dug a hole in the mulch at the base of one of the trees and buried her there. Being an animal lover, I simply just couldn't let her go out that way. You may laugh at me and that's ok too. But I have been doing this a long time and I think anyone and any animal should have a somewhat decent burial. I think in my heart that it was more than coincidence that I went for that walk. God Bless Matilda as she goes up to the big lake in the sky.

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ChristieDOA - 13 years ago

Heart touching <3

Bantha2 - 13 years ago

Thank you Christie...... and Matilda thanks you too... God Bless ....thanks

JediNica - 13 years ago

Nice song, very touching. Sorry for getting to this so late and sorry to hear you had problems with your old account.

Bantha2 - 13 years ago

Thank you ... I appreciate your kind comments and your time

hopeflow - 13 years ago

Such beautiful song... I feel sad for Matilda and I'm glad to know that you didn't just left it alone. Really, you are very kind hearted Bantha. And to Matilda, please rest in peace...

Bantha2 - 13 years ago

I really appreciate you saying that ....thank you so much

WienArtist - 13 years ago

Wonderful song and dedication to Matilda the duck!!! You have a very kind heart and a spirit that is hard to find in this world today. I respect your kindness and gentle spirit!!! Keep writing such beautiful music, and continue on with your special acts of kindness!!!

Bantha2 - 13 years ago

I am truly touched by your very thoughtful and sincere comments. I am a big fan of your music and admire it very much.... Thanks for your support and friendship

WienArtist - 13 years ago

I agree with your comment about what the world needs, Steve!!! Like I said before, you have a very kind heart, and I am sure that you will be rewarded over and over again for all the kindness that you put out there too! Keep up the great work, Steve!!!

Bantha2 - 13 years ago

I really want to say how much your kind words mean to me.... I think in this world a few more kind gestures is what we all need.... I think back to a song which was my favorite growing up and meant a lot to me. It was by Dionne Warwick and was called What The World Needs Now Is Love. Perhaps we all need to listen to that song and really think about the real reason we are here.

musickiller - 13 years ago

great song and god bless you and that wonderful duck my she live in are hearts

Bantha2 - 13 years ago

Thank you... I really appreciate you saying that

CaptainFlint - 13 years ago

Sad story...Wonderful song!

Bantha2 - 13 years ago

Aye....thanks mate...... I appreciate it Capt...

JaimeMusique - 13 years ago

oh nooo! thats so sad D: good for u for making a song! Matilda will always be in our hearts :*(

JaimeMusique - 13 years ago

:) of course

Bantha2 - 13 years ago

Thank you for your wonderful comment and for listening...thx

leppylove - 13 years ago

That's so sad.... I hate it when you see your favorite wildlife suddenly disappear or in this case experience a tragic death. My condolences Bantha. May Matilda rest in peace. This is a beautiful song by the way :) Reminds me of a song by lemon Jelly. I think it's called nice weather for ducks.

Bantha2 - 13 years ago

Thank you so very much Liz... I really appreciate your time and commenting .... Thanks

Timzaka - 13 years ago

another harmonic and awsome...

Bantha2 - 13 years ago

Thanks Tim.... I am glad you stopped by and listened and comments..... thank you

Timzaka - 13 years ago


frankort - 13 years ago

special! harmonic

Bantha2 - 13 years ago

Thank you Frankort....... I appreciate it

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