Taking A Flight created by Drudi 9 years ago

So I decided to do shorties, everyone! I call them shorties when they are not longer than, normally, 1-3 minutes. I already did one or more, but I do not wish to call them shorties since I felt like they were a whole song. I may change my mind later though, and call them a shorty.
This music is supposed to make you imagine that you, someone else or something is running very fast and then doing a take off. Put the music from the start because here is how you do it:
At 00:01-00:40 - Imagine getting ready for take off. Do the character you see in your head have to put on flying clothes? Walk down the airport to get to the airplane? Fasten the seatbelts?
At 00:41-00:54 - They are running and running really fast on the field or whatever terrain you prefer, maybe a building. Running so fast that they can get a good speed in the air.
At 00:55-01:07 - Doing a takeoff from the ground, trying their best to flap their wings/get the motor to run properly, but it goes for a slightly slow start. They are still near the ground.
At 01:08-01:21 - Now they are higher up in the sky, flying a little faster. Almost there.
At 01:22-01:39 - They finally dashed into the clouds and are now flying over them. So high up in the sky, they can now peacefully fly while looking down at the landscape - or try to eat some clouds of course, but that is not so easy!
If anyone were to make such an animation with this music I would become very amazed and happy - but that would never happen haha!
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