Fading Like a Flower created by TheAncient1 13 years ago

Plays: 103
Favorites: 23
Genre: Pop
Mood: Love/Romantic
Theme: Get Well
Listen with your Heart ,Relax and feel the Harmony within you.
All the best
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I came here because of the link in thekoolgirl's profile, and honestly this is one of the most well put together rock songs on this website. Amazing, amazing job Ryo, you've blown me way the $@%* away with this one! Made me want to favorite and rate it twice... Which is what I did ;)
Haha, just keep working toward the dream man. That's how I've been doing it. Once I got a bassist and drummer in the band, gonna work on real recording and setting up a demo cd. Once that happens, I'm gonna have a youtube channel to upload demos so people can check out the band and the music we play.
Will also have facebook, snapchat and twitter for the band as well.
Links to all of them will be in the description on my page on here when they are officially made.
And will do bud, same for you!
listen before I start breaking the repeat function on this website.
Tell me about it! I'm 20 years old myself and have been working, going to school, and paying rent to the point where I wonder if money or sleep actually exist anymore. However imagining being in a band and regularly practicing along with that is something I'm looking forward to doing later when I become a superhuman. Seriously you've got to have some amazing drive there Ryo. However please do send me a link or message when you do post more songs! I'll be more than happy to give them a full
Haha thanks! I appreciate it. It's been awhile since I've done anything on here sadly, but being 21, starting a rock band of my own, and working fulltime makes it hard.. but I find the time to log in and keep up with everyone.
Hopefully should have something new made in the future and will definitely invite ya back to check it out when that time comes.
All the best, and thanks for checkin me/my music out bud!
Finally a Zack tribute! He was my all time favorite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great song, the electric guitar made me think of when you enter combat mode in the game! :)
Haha hopefully one day you will! :3
Oh yeah lol I remember you telling me about that.
That's a really cool experience! If I could meet at least one of my bands.....
I don't even know how I would react!
Yea, i know the pains.. sorry for the late reply..
Me and My girl celebrated our one year and I got to meet my favorite band Motionless In White and I got a guitar pick from my favorite guitarist and the person that inspired me to start playing, Ricky Horror.
Lately I'm too busy for almost everything......
Thats how I look at it. Me and my girlfriend have our one year on Wednesday!!! :'D
I'm so excited and so happy :'3
Wow so true~
Good couples go without fighting at all.
Great couples fight every once in awhile.
But perfect couples can go thru hell and still be together hand in hand thru it all.
I think there would be something wrong if you DIDN'T argue from time to time.
Yea.. we had our share of fights, arguments, and moments when it felt like things fell apart.. its true when people say love finds a way.
At least you're problem free in that aspect of your life! Usually the majority of peoples' stress comes from their relationships.
Agreed, but gotta say, not many bad days when it comes to her. Every day is an adventure, a miracle, and a memory that me and her share together.
Yeah, it will always fluctuate. Your best week is often followed by the worst week of your life!
She's been stressed.. both of us have been and we're gonna find ways of pulling thru for each other. It's how it should be! :3
And I agree, make the best of a rainy day. Just because the day is dark doesn't mean it can't be spent meaningfully.
That's great!!! I told you! Personally this week and last have been really stressful for me, but the important thing is making the best out of a bad situation.
And ya, it's really nice to show loved ones you care as well!!
Hehe thanks :3
Things have gotten alot better the last few days. Finally February, so many concerts and me and my girls one year this month.
So happy and excited for this <3 :D
I'm gonna suprise her for Valentines too :3
We all have good days and bad ones and have felt that way before, it's part of being human.Don't worry!
It will get better, I promise~
Yeah.. just been really down lately.. feels like nothing I do ever satisfies anyone and like I'm only making everyone around me hate me..
Depression sucks.. really bad..
Don't say that! We're all lucky in our own ways~
Even if we ourselves can't see that.
Yeah.. i have no luck tho..
Sounds like a movie~
I personally believe that it comes down to you and your luck.
Yeah.. I thought love didn't exist.. I figured I'd live without ever knowing a real relationship.. she came into my life out of nowhere and made my life change completely and made me realize love did exist.
That's great! You are very lucky because people live out their whole lives without ever finding someone that can do that for them.
Having her has legit made my life a million times better.. I couldn't imagine being without her after all this time. She's made every day an adventure, a memory, and a dream come true and without her, I can guarantee I wouldn't have ever been as happy as I am.
Wow I'm not a person that usually says things like this but I can't help it:
that's sooooooooo sweet!
It really is nice having someone like that in your life. :D
I'm sure you will, just watch for shows around the area for you and keep an eye on the bands you really wanna see.
My girlfriend's not the lucky one if ya ask me.. I'm lucky to have her. She literally completes me and makes everyday worth living. She's everything I could have ever asked for in a relationship and so much more. I can't believe I was lucky enough to find someone as incredible as she is. It's been almost a year with her..
I can't wait for my future with her.. I love her to death.
My bands I mean!
That is soooooooooooooo cool lol I'm jeaolus! And that's really nice! Your girlfriend is lucky! :)
I reaaaallly hope I can see mine soon also!
Yupp, the VIP pack did say you get pics with them and I got a limited edition Blood Red Vinyl (Only 1,ooo of em exist) that I'm gonna get signed by them :'D
I also planned on requesting for them to play my girlfriend's favorite song by them as a special suprise :3
You get to meet them too? That's even better, maybe you can get autographs or take pics with them! :D
They will, just keep an eye on the venue's events and bands tour dates.
So excited for February, seeing AND meeting my favorite band with my girlfriend for our one year :'3
Yeah, I'm pretty sure my groups come to the U.S sometimes, I just have to be on the lookout!
Hopefully you can, just keep an eye out for where the bands play and then find the venues closest to you :3 then just save up some money for tickets and go and have a good time
Wow that's great! I'd love to see my bands live one day! Wow I hope you both have a lot of fun!! :D
Haha excited for February cuz I'm going to 2 amazing concerts with my girlfriend and me and her are celebrating One Year together on the 25th of February and to celebrate I'm taking her to see a band that both of us love alot and I paid $150 for the tickets so me and her could meet them. :'D
It's my favorite band called Motionless In White
Really? Because February is my least favorite month!!
And I know, I've memorized songs I don't even know just because I hear them every day on the radio.
Haha can agree with that xD
Alot of the top 20 pop songs are WAY overplayed on like 17 different stations.. like dude, play some old school Eminem or SOMETHING?!
Also I'm so beyond excited for February :'D
Lol xD True though.
I guess I have a grudge against that song cuz everyone keeps talking about it! xO
There's somethin for everyone out there.. even if someone finds music to be stupid based on lyrics and whatever, it doesn't mean it doesn't hold meaning to someone else.. Anaconda however.. just shouldn't exist..
Yup! The music industry has all sorts of good and bad music. You just have to look around!
Haha agreed. If the melody and sounds of a track are intoxicating, you can overlook the lyrics, but in most cases, the lyrics make the song.
Dubstep however.. doesn't have that issue xD
Yeah, I guess i enjoy a little bit of both, depending on my mood! Sometimes I can overlook the lyrics if I like the tune enough!........that didn't exactly happen with Anaconda I must say.....
Well everyones different I assume.. some people enjoy simplicity where others enjoy a real meaningful song
Exactly my point! But when you try to explain that to people they look at you like you're crazy! I guess not everyone can understand why we don't enjoy meaningless songs!
Yeah.. very sadly, not many artists have meaningful lyrics and messages anymore. THAT is what I look for in music. Meaningful songs.
The sad thing is he's definitely a rare type of artist these days.
Exactly! Eminem has real lyrics and real talent as an artist. I love alot of his songs like When I'm Gone.
Lol XD Yessssssss! "a song about butts" You killed me with that one! For me, I have to be in the mood for heavy metal, but as a whole I like the genre. And same, I respect Eminem as an artist, because he is much more classy and his songs have actual meaning!
Yupp.. Anaconda proved that one right? A song about butts.. really? Thats the best music we have to offer? THAT is why I'm a metalhead first, everything else second. The only rapper I truly respect is Eminem. And I can agree 80's rock was amazing, thats what I was raised on.
Yeah, I don't know about mainstream American music these days. I personally think The 80's was the best time for U.S music-wise. It didn't take me long to get sick of Nicki minaj and Justin Beiber......Honestly most of these songs are trash. Bad lyrics, no real meaning....e.t.c
Very nice! I know many Japanese Visual Kai bands like Golden Bomber and heavier metal styles like Nocturnal Bloodlust. Alot of music shares the multiple styles and labels thing. People label things all the time. The important thing is if you like it or not :3
I've always been interested in different cultures even when I was younger, especially Asian things. ( It started with video games!) and so when I discovered South Korean pop music it was like WHOA! The thing is, people put a label on Korean music as "cutesy" and whatnot, but there are a lot of different groups and my favorites are anything but! The thing is, some groups are all unicorns & rainbows, then there's my favorite, 2NE1, thats all about strength and fighting for yourself. They just vary
Very much so :3
I was raised on classic 80's rock music like Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Queen, Led Zeppelin, Guns N Roses, etc. And as time went on, I found Linkin Park, then Disturbed, then Bullet for my Valentine, and Evanescense, then I started finding heavier metal music like Rammstein, Motionless in White, Jaimes Elsewhere, and so on. However I love dubstep like Savant, Knife Party, and more :D
Hmmm, I think you're like me with music. You stick to one genre, but you're open-minded to other types of music! :)
Haha not so much activists, just two people with similar ideals and thoughts about things. And I'm not as big a fan of em as I used to be.. Legacy and Fallen Angels is about all I like honestly. However, Motionless In White... THAT is my favorite band.
Wow, that's cool. ( I've heard of the group but never actually heard a song!)
And yup, I can go on forever about that too!
Ps. Why do we always talk like activists? Lol
Thank you! ^.^
And thats very true, not always easy of course, but true.
If people are gonna be like that, then get rid of em. Don't let people judge you for who you are. Be you and be happy. (I'm like Andy Sixx of Black Veil Brides with how I rant about bullying and being yourself and being strong, etc. Also according to people I look like Andy so.. haha xD)
Happy late birthday!!! :D
Yeah, I've learned that you just have to completely blow off those kinds of people, and just do what makes you happy! :)
Some people aren't as open-minded.. that's something I've learned all too well over the last 20 years I've been alive (birthday was the 11th, so now I'm 20)
I'll check them out! And yeah lol sometimes it is so hard trying to explain this to other people. There really aren't that many people out there that think like us. Sadly, most people never think deeply about much of anything! :(
You completely understand what I mean! I love other country's music.. Finland, Scandinavian (or Viking Metal haha) Celtic.. its all amazing! One in particular I enjoy is a German industrial metal band called Rammstein.
Most mainstream American/English music is that way, which is why I honestly prefer the music of other countries. Without subtitles, I can't understand the words because they're in another language, but when I can feel the emotion behind it, when I know the message of the song without needing to understand the words, that's powerful. And that's what I love. I want to FEEL my music, not just hear it.
Cuz no one can appreciate true meaningful content because the only legit writers are metal artists and few rap/pop artists because most pop/rap artists have their content written by studio producers, not themselves.
One Direction is one such group as they don't write their own songs, they're written for them.
LOL that was a good one!!!!!! XD XD XD
But its true, though! All of the stupidest and horribly written songs get the most attention!! :D Wonder why?
Exactly.. any good writing has 3 things..
Emotion, Heart, and Passion.
An example of a 'writing' missing these things is Anaconda by Nicki Minaj..
Yeah, I write a lot too but its hard to find time. Lol I pour my soul out on the page when I do, though. Without emotions, whats the use of writing anyways?
Same here. I'm a major emotional writer, so I take what I feel and map it out on a page.
Altogether I think I'm at 30+ songs, 3 poems, and a story I'm working on.
ME TOO! English is just so easy but throw an equation in my face and I become dumb as a rock. I've written a couple of stories and poems here and there, but I have to have inspiration if I wanna make a masterpiece! Lol :)
Haha been a thought of mine actually. I love writing and English was my best subject to the point that I didn't even have to take the placement testing in college to see where I'd be best in, I had my free choice of what English class I wanted to take. Math however I suck at xD
Wow. That's definitely true and a really good analogy! Sometimes the way you write things makes me think you'd be a great author!
Think of people like crayons..
We're all different colours and different shades, but in the end we're all alike and each of us can be used to make a masterpiece.
Thats true! I'm glad I have good self esteem, or else I would be trying to act like everyone else. Honestly I don't care whether something I do or like is "approved of", which is a pretty good trait to have. Wish everyone was like that.
Everyone's judgmental, and everyone's got their own style. Just be you and forget what anyone says about it. You're who you are and no one has the right to change that.
I know, I used to have a lot of friends too, but distance and personal change can affect it a lot. Anyways, people are always going to judge you or think they know you based on how you look or act, or whatever, but I guess the important thing is to not change yourself to fit whatevers "normal" to please other people.
There ya go! I know it's hard to lose friends that you were close to.. trust me.. I know that all too well.. I've lost ALOT of friends. I guess I was kinda popular..ish.. back in grade school.. almost everyone knew me back then and was cool with me, and as soon as I was in high school, only like 3 of those kids still talked to me. Everyone else considered me an emo faggot.
Main point, don't let small things hold you down. Keep being you and keep being happy with your life. Everything gets better
Yeah, I guess I'm starting to learn that right now, as me and my friends go our own ways. Anyways, I try not to stress cuz I know it will get better eventually. :)
Exactly.. as life goes on, you see new places with new people. If people truly are your friends, they'll stay connected with you thru anything.
Thats definitely true. People grow apart, and I guess Ive learned it takes time and certain circumstances to find out who it is that will stick with you, and which friends you'll lose contact with. Same here, I had a friend that I grew up with that doesn't even speak to me anymore. Thanks for the reality check though. But at least the few you have left are always the best you can ask for!
Hey.. I wanna be brutally honest.. friends come and go. My best friend that I've basically been brothers with my entire life doesn't even talk to me anymore. And alot of the people I used to know don't talk to me anymore. There's only maybe 4 people that still talk to me and are cool with me even slightly, including my girlfriend.
I have very few friends.. but yknow what? The few I have.. are some of the best friends and best people in the world.
I know, I try not to think of good memories from previous years that I had with friends that have moved away....Its pretty hard sometimes, but there's always at least a few friends you can never lose contact with! :)
Haha yea.. feels weird being outta high school now.. it's nice not dealing with the drama and stuff, but I miss the people I used to talk to.. I only talk to like 4 people from then..
High school, man! Sooooooo much homework! Lol u know how that goes! :D
No worries, reply when you can :3
I know, its soooooooo confusing! lol sorry for the late response. Its been crazy lately! :(
I don't know but I hate it! It makes figuring who each MS'er is. Everyone's profile pics are forcibly the same.
But they changed EVERYTHING! Even the pictures that are from their site! I don't even know how to change my song icons! This is sooooooo frustrating. Why did MS have to do this?
Apparently they deleted all pics on Musicshake that aren't part of their list of pics.
Right? Having long hair is just better to me. I come from a religious family, though I myself am not really religious, I have more of a belief in individuality and the right to be who you wanna be. My parents hate my long hair, but I always tell them, hey Jesus had long hair, why can't I? xD
yeah, I think its the same for boys and girls: if you have more hair, you can do so many things with it. I hate that buzzcut/shaved hairstyle, honestly. it doesn't look good on anyone! :(
Haha yeah, or Sephiroth with the way his hair is spiked into the super long bangs. I'd LOVE to cosplay Zack when my hair gets that long :D
I know, right? Judging from your profile pic, u look like you'd be good at a lot of cosplays. Still, unless you really know what you're doing, some hairstyles are really hard to do. * (cough!) Zack *( cough!)
Lol lets just say I've seen some pretty bad Zack cosplays! XO
Haha nice! Would be an awesome cosplay for you to try out! Long hair makes doing cosplays for guys pretty easy. I could pull of Kadaj, Dante from Devil May Cry, L from Death Note.. haha xD
I'd have to say Kadaj as well, I think he's the coolest even though he's a major antagonist! Also that would be really cool if you cosplayed him, I'd like to see it! I think I should cosplay Tifa, because we look a lot alike, as far as video game characters go.
Gotta say, I'm always gonna be a major Sephiroth fan. Altho, who do you like the most out of the clones of Sephiroth? Kadaj (Short haired Sephy), Loz (One with the gun) and Yazoo (Spiked Hair)? I'd say Kadaj personally. Kinda wanna cosplay as Kadaj, could do so with my hair haha xD
haha, I remember when I first saw the cutscene with Jenova in the reactor, I was staring at the screen in horror, thinking I would have to fight her. Lol anyways who's your favorite out of the three friends? ( Angeal, Sephiroth, & Genesis) At first couldn't stand Genesis, but he's my favorite out of them now.
Yupp, so in the end, Sephiroth was only a tortured mind trying to get revenge on the people that created him as a monster (like those in the Nibelheim reactor) and he was following Mother's (JENOVA's) instructions.
You're definitely right, I should have looked deep enough! Yeah, all of these problems were created by either Hojo or Hollander, but I blamed it on Sephiroth when he burned down Neibelheim and made Zack and Cloud witnesses to Shinra's misconduct. BUT, if it wasn't for Hojo, he wouldn't have done it in the first place! Ok, I see what you mean now! :)
Sephiroth was a brilliant mind tortured with the fact that he was created, not born. So he basically was a genetically created god who went insane after finding out his truth. The one truly responsible for all of it was Professor Hojo of Shinra. Hojo created Sephiroth, and experimented on Cloud and Zack and caused them both to be affected by severe Mako poisoning. Zack, having been severely weakened, tried defending Cloud, but couldn't stay strong against the poisoning. I think Hojo is guilty.
As soon as i saw your reply I thought of Sephiroth! He's a really in depth and great character, but I absolutely HATE him, but in the way that the player hates the villain. I feel that he was indirectly responsible fr Zack's death.
Yupp, it's the same for me. Always been one for powerhouse characters.
Finally, someone else who feels the same way! Tifa was definitely my favorite female character. She has a lot more personality than Aerith and she's really cool and can actually fight and be of use. People call Aerith independent, but in a dangerous situation, she's always depending on other people to protect her. I don't know about anyone else, but I always go for the strong characters! :)
I actually didn't either to be honest. All she was good for was healing and summons. Other than that, Tifa all the way as my favorite. My team was always Cloud, Red XIII and Tifa. Only other member I used was Vincent
Random question, but did you like Aerith ( or Aeris) as a character in FF7? Honestly, I feel like I'm the only person who didn't like her. Like, at all. She really annoyed me. :(
Haha right? xD
Lol look at this conversation. And it all started with Zack! XD
Haha I know the pains xD
I'm crazy impatient about some things.
For some reason, my birthday almost always falls on a weekend, but if it doesn't, I always celebrate it the nearest weekend. Still, I'm a really impatient person, so having to wait for presents and cake.........NOT something I want to do! :(
Yea, it made her extremely happy so I was really glad it worked out. And yea, my birthday occasionally falls on Columbus Day so I sometimes had holidays off since Columbus day was usually a day off school. xD
Thats pretty nice. I bet she was surprised! Yeah that sucks having to go to school on your B-day. :)
Yea.. my girl just started back Thursday on her birthday and she was uber depressed cuz she was gonna go to Six Flags with me and her mum. So I decided I'd get a cake, balloons, a card, a rose, and a present all for her to come home to :3
I'm sort of worried that when school starts I'll hardly have any time at all to get on here, but a lot of drama happens at school, so I'll probably be inspired to make something then! I don't want Summer to end! :(
yea.. I have one called Three Great Evils which is a dark themed metal song I made a few months ago that's never been posted.
I didn't even create a new song yesterday! Spellbound summer was actually a old one I never published. I've had a block for quite some time!
I know the pains.. I'm a major lyricist so I usually find a LOT of inspiration based off of my emotions or current thoughts. So when I'm depressed, angry, etc.. I dwell on those emotions and let the things I'm feeling or thinking become words, which become lyrics which forms a song. :3
Me too. I sort of feel like I need to have some burst of inspiration in order to make a song thats good. Sometimes no matter what I do, the song turns out bad. I have to be in the mood to make one I guess....
It's been awhile since I made anything on here.. :/
No problem! ;D
Thanks for letting me know! :3
Oh sick! May have to give it a shot!
I found an online rpg maker, since I don't have a PS2. It looks pretty good, and they have a free trial download. Its easy to use too!
Haha, I've never made my own online game, but I have helped my friend make her own Roleplay group websites.
And it's actually an amazing game for what its worth. It's ALOT.. and I mean ALOOOOOOT of time and effort, but its amazing overall haha
That sounds so freaking cool! If only I still had a playstation 2! You can also use coding to make your own online game, and I don't know about you, but I'm personally too lazy to learn how to code! It took my friend months! Ugh, now I want that game so bad!!!!! XD
There's an older Playstation 2 game called RPG Maker 3 that I have where you legit make your own game from scratch.
You design the world's layout, the characters (with pre-made models), the monsters, the char. classes, the items, the magic skills, the entire game's storyline, individual char. stories and everything like that. It's amazing xD
Me too! If I could write the storyline for ANY of my games, I would die of happiness! XD
Life experiences, or just creativity. I myself am quite a storyboard writer and would love to make stories for FF or my own game series :3
I know! I think that FF7 has the most emotional and greatest games in the whole FF series. Sometimes I wonder where the creators get their ideas from!
Exactly! People can grow attached to the storyline and then the game seems so much more than just a game cuz it seems more realistic to us and thats why we get so much enjoyment out of the game or show, etc.
Its so not true when people say, " Its just a game," Its more than a game, because games, ( especially FF games) can impact anyone in real life. Whether they're real people or not, you get attached to the characters, and when things happen to them, its as if it happened to one of your friends. It sounds weird in writing, but you're right, whether its a show, movie, or game, everyone does it! :)
Haha right? Nah, we just have strong opinions about characters in the game like people have obsessions with fictional characters in tv shows or movies. We all do it, but it just shows how much of an impact those games, movies, and shows had on the viewers.
Exactly! That couldn't have been said better! He deserves a LOT more credit and shouldn't be overshadowed by the other characters like Cloud and Sephiroth. In my opinion, he was more heroic than either of them. Sephiroth might have been stronger, but he would have never done what Zack did for Cloud. BTW Do you realize that we're talking about them like they're real people? Lol I can't help feeling like they are!
Right? He made the greatest sacrifice of any character in the series. He fought a near-godlike Soldier (Sephiroth) and after being used in experimentations by Hojo, went on with Mako-Poisoning to fend off hundreds of Shinra soldiers in order to save his friend.
If he didn't follow Angeal's word of proving his Honour by that sacrifice, I don't think anything ever could.
You're SO RIGHT! They forget that Zack is the only reason that Cloud even survived! And he was amazing!
Thank you alot! :3
Zack was my favorite as well and I don't feel he really got the credit he deserved. The dude was a beast and he was kinda completely underappreciated since Cloud and Sephiroth and Tifa and Vincent were the big characters.
Glad you enjoyed so much! ^-^
Excellent Mix.
Great Job! b{]^.~[}
Many thanks! Glad you enjoyed it! ^-^
I saw that image of zack and i was like "Ohh this one gonna be sad" :D But beautiful tribute! I did my tribute on Cosmos XD
~Her Last Resolve~ http://eng.musicshake.com/song/244725
Haha NICE!! I loved Zack's story so had to make a tribute for him.
I love the description to your song! OMG.. I LOVE FINAL FANTASY <3
Everything blends so well together, and I enjoyed listening to this :D
It'd be my pleasure to do so. ^-^
You're welcome. :D And you don't have to...
Do you want to listen to my Rain's Bow remix? :D
Thank you so much!! ^-^
Let me know if I can do the same. It's the least I can do to return the favor! :3
You're welcome! And I sent your songs to a lot of people here on MS yesterday, so you should reach 100 plays in no time. :D
Thank you so much, thats really cool of you ^-^
You're welcome. I'll do my best!
Thank you! That'd be amazing, I would appreciate that alot! :'3
So cool :)) You're welcome. And you've got 85 plays so far. Congrats!
Want me to help you promote this song? It deserves at least 200 plays :D
Haha Crisis Core is by far one of the best I have ever played. I loved it ALOT. And thanks alot ^-^ Would be stoked to see this song get that popular :D
Final Fantasy is one of the coolest series I have ever seen! I know right? Zack was one of the coolest characters, he's very heroic :) and It was so cool of you to make a tribute. I've only seen the movies so I HAVE to get the game now lol... and No problem! I'm sure this song will be at the top of the charts :D
Thank you very much! I loved FFVII:CC. Was an amazing game and Zack was one of my top favorite Final Fantasy characters of all. And this moment was one of the most emotional and powerful moments in any game, so felt I'd make a tribute.
Glad you enjoyed and thanks for listening! :3
This is awesome!!! And I love final fantasy!! Final Fantasy VII was an amazing game. I love all of their games OVO
Thanks alot! ^-^ And right? VII was and always will be my favorite of the series. Crisis Core especially cuz I was always a huge fan of Zack and getting to see his story unfold was amazing! :3
Great song.Cheers
Many thanks! :3 Glad you enjoyed!
Really Good Stuff !!!!
Thanks bud! :3
Awesome mix!! :D