
Favorite genre
Hiphop, Dance/Disco, Pop, Classical/New Age
About me
Hello! my name Is Lidia, I'm 14 years old and pretty new here, but I think I'm getting the ropes.
I love Classical music, and poetry.
facts about me:
I like the color peach and dislike black
Curiosity can get the best of me
I'v been told I can be very serious
If you post your music on my account, I will listen to it all!
I like Italian Food
I live in Sacramento,California
oh, back from my vacation everyone!
Winterxdj's favorites (53) see all
Hey there! I have officially returned to Musicshake after my long hiatus. Here's 2 new songs, one from the old album that was completed, but never posted, and one from the new album.
Hope you like them both!
Blessed by Fire -
Lost In Her Eyes -
"Smoky Room"
Time to relax and enjoy this "live" performance at the Jazz club Saturday night.
Thanks for listening!!
Give my new song a listen! This will probably be my last song for awhile!
I appreciate all the support LINK:
- kx
"A Wonderful Life"
Please listen when you have time, & leave me your feedback and comments!! I put a lot into emotionally into this song - facing so much loss that music is the only way I know how to deal with it all. Thanks for listening! MizukoSan did the original version called Wonderful - Life.
Hello my fellow shaker! This is a special song, made just for you, my fans!!! I hope you like and enjoy
new song "for the people"
Here is a very special song..."From Me To You" and I hope that you will like and enjoy my first song of the new year!!
Latest song with more of my usual style, hope ya like it!
Go deeper into the ocean and, find some pretty cool lifeforms!
@quatic Emergence II
Can you please check out my first song