
Favorite genre

Hiphop, R&B, Electronic/Techno, Pop, Classical/New Age, Soul/Funk/Groove

Favorite artists

-Gorillaz -Two steps fron the hell. -Rammstein. -HVOB.

About me

Hello everyone:

My name is "Tenshi Bellic" Ex-Leader of the band known as "Jumelax" ...

At this stage I want to create new songs with alternative sounds gloomy, pleasant sounds and why not? sounds too crazy.

Well I hope to support this new proposal and we will be reading soon.


If you qualify comental and a song of mine ... I'll do it too .. n_n


Hola a todos :

Mi nombre es "Tenshi Bellic" Ex-Líder de la banda conocida como "Jumelax"...

En esta nueva etapa quiero crear canciones con sonidos alternativos, sonidos tetricos, agradables y ¿porque no? tambien sonidos locos.

-Bueno espero apoyen esta nueva propuesta y nos estaremos leyendo muy pronto.


Si tu comental y calificas una cancion mia...Yo tambien hare lo mismo n_n..

Songs by TenshiBellic (1) see all
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Sneazle - 10 years ago

Hey, I'm back!!! Please check out my newest song, Tidal Wave!!!

nameddog - 12 years ago

Final rapsody mix from nameddog by Pisky

Ryokuza - 12 years ago

Just made a new one, hope ya enjoy!

oeroe2911 - 12 years ago

THE WARRIORS PRAYER My 500 th Song on Musicshake ! I hope U will EnjoY! OEROE!

coco31 - 12 years ago

Hello there fellow shakers... uhm if you have time or doing nothing, how about listen to my 3rd tracks collection "Dreams & Nighmares". I just finish it and I want to share it :))

From the title "Metal Walker to Nightmares"


goucheaar - 12 years ago

After a long wait, I have released A.I. The SUSPENSE!
Be sure to check out the first song from my album too!

oeroe2911 - 12 years ago

"THE NEW STYLE OF MUSICSHAKE GHOST PARTY" This S0NG is my Entree in the "New style of Musicshake Contest" organised by Shaker Glad Some !

oeroe2911 - 12 years ago

the POWER FORCE of ROCK ! FEEL IT !! <#@@#> OEROE!
( tomorrow I will put the final entree list of the : "oeroe contest" on my profile page, and on June 5th 2013, I will make the winners of the contest official ! cheers, OEROE }

oeroe2911 - 13 years ago


oeroe2911 - 13 years ago

thanks a lot! but it is really better to comment on songs on the song page, and that's what it's for. and you can also rate / fav a song on the original song page. I don't say you must, but that's the way everybody does make the comment's. but thanks anyway! grts OEROE.

icicleandpat - 13 years ago


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