Broken wing's. created by TenshiBellic 11 years ago

Plays: 63 Favorites: 16
Genre: Classical/New Age Mood: Sad/Melancholic Theme: Other

Well this is the debut single from my first album called "City Steam" in which case of experimenting with sounds and melodies. Those with more time on an ad and having heard these sounds, but are new to me as I previously only devoted to "Techno-Orquest"

"Broken Wings" is the name of the theme I hope you enjoy it ...

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You can hear the melody to "Headphones" to better enjoy it.


-Bueno este es el sencillo debut de mi primer álbum llamado "City Steam" en el cual tratare de experimentar con sonidos y melodias. Los que tienen mas tiempo en la pagina ya an de haber escuchado estos sonidos, pero para mi son nuevos ya que anteriormente solo me dedicaba al "Techno-Orquest"

"Alas Rotas" es el nombre del tema espero que lo disfruten...


Pueden escuchar la melodia con "Audifonos" para tener un mejor disfrute de ella.

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Mar 31 2014
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