
Favorite genre

Rock/Metal, Dance/Disco, Electronic/Techno, Classical/New Age

Favorite artists

Pachelbel, Bach, Rick Wakeman, and George Winston

About me

I'll do just about any genre. It usually depends on what kind of mood I am in. Lol. My favorite genre would probably have to be Classical though. I love to hear a Classical song with overlaying drums though. Gets me everytime. Lol! ------------------------

"Aequam memento rebus in arduis servare mentem" Btw, my email address is hit me up sometime. =)

Also, I play MW3 and BF3 on PS3. My PSN-ID is Viperzzz20. :)

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Retexid - 12 years ago The Eclipse Orchiestra Project

oeroe2911 - 12 years ago

THE PROPHESY ( my masterpiece ! )

oeroe2911 - 12 years ago

CONTACT ! This Techno Song is a very Special one...because it is 'the Key' which will allow us all to make C0NTACT, with our....E.T. Brothers and Sisters.......LOL!! EnjoY!

oeroe2911 - 12 years ago

This is an epic song about peoples fears! Sometimes they can become so intense, that they will be painful for this person. the song is a remix of the song "blades of a knife', which was created by shaker HaderK , 7 months ago!

oeroe2911 - 13 years ago

I have always with all my heart wanted to create this song! KiNGDoM of HeaVeN !!
this is the MOST important Song I have ever wanted to create! EpiC SuperAwesomE!
Enjoy!! <#@@#> OEROE!

oeroe2911 - 13 years ago

I was Listening to Lady Minerva's New Song about the Nebula's Ambience, and then
it Remind me of the Flight through the Constellations, to my Home in the
OeRoeBoeRoe Constellation... grts OEROE !

oeroe2911 - 13 years ago

Take a Seat in a Starship....and off you go!! worries....we all have done it before...!! grts OEROE !

oeroe2911 - 13 years ago

Enlightenment !
Enjoy! OEROE !!

stEAmpowered - 14 years ago

Thx for favoriting my song, and yeah, the drums are pretty amazing.

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