The Rear-View Mirror created by karma5 17 years ago

The exciting journey forward, but still looking the reflections in the rear-view mirror...
= )
**History of the Song: As another one of my "inspired by" songs, this idea was inspired by Hans Zimmer's "Leaving Wallbrook" from the movie "Rain Man." When I first heard the song as a kid, it always stuck with me so I wanted to see if I could recreate it, or at least recreate the mood of the song. I think we first hear it in the movie when Tom Cruise's character takes his brother away from the mental hospital as they're riding away in his car. I also think I remember them crossing a bridge at some point and seeing a shot of their car's rear-view mirror too during that song, those images sticking in my mind as I made this song. I wanted to make this a stand-alone song as well, representing a nostalgic moment as a person prepares to move forward in a new chapter in his/her life. As for the elements of the song, it gave me a chance to mess with the lead synths which I always wanted to try out. I think they did a decent job of creating the mood and tone that I wanted, so it satisfied the overall idea and theme in my mind.**
greatness suase =D
idk when i will make a song. but when i will lett know
Instant favorite! Great job! *click* =)