Dance With Me created by Symphonix 11 years ago

Plays: 202 Favorites: 22
Genre: Classical/New Age Mood: Love/Romantic Theme: Other

Flamoran: I don't know what to put here..... xP
Silver: AH! But I do!! ( >w<

**headphones your head=better quality, simple music math. *

First song on Symphonix!
This song is like Waltz combined with the Salsa... pretty interesting combo right?
Anyways if you haven't read our profile, ChaoticCandy, Flamoran, and I.. (DJSilver)..
Have come together! Symphonix is simply our new profile for the whole team!
Enjoy this song, and prepare for the next!
..dun, Dun, DUNN...

Crap, I just realized that the album cover is gonna send a bad impression..
Flamoran: Oh the horror! xD


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Chart listings
Jul 01 2019
Jul 08 2019
Jun 16 2014
Jun 23 2014
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