The Summer Rain created by Bantha2 13 years ago

Plays: 453 Favorites: 40
Genre: Classical/New Age Mood: Light/Bright Theme: Other

I am not afraid to say
That I love a summer's rain
To listen to the pitter-patter of rain drops
Splash lightly upon the window panes

I love to gaze out at the falling rain
To see the plants and flowers sparkle in the misty haze
That covers the water coloured scene before me
Each drop of water shimmering where it lay

I love to see the sun during a summer's rain
Its glistening beams spreading out far and wide
Creating a prism of wonderful colours
To form a beautiful rainbow across the sky

I love the smell after a summer's rain
When everything in sight is wash'd anew
The world seeming a little brighter now
That the summer rain is through

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WienArtist - 13 years ago

Love the sound effects of the rain, which add a special and appreciated depth to this MASTERPIECE!!! Love the feeling of this one too, and add this one to one of those that have such an appealing affect on my soul, spirit, and mind, as well as the body. Keep up your excellent composing, my good friend!!!

Bantha2 - 13 years ago

Thank you Richard, I too love this one a lot. Thanks for your kinds words and comments. I appreciate it and am very grateful for you taking time to listen.

CreoleGold - 13 years ago

Awesome Song!

Bantha2 - 13 years ago

Thank you very much........ I appreciate it

Prestonk - 13 years ago

Beautiful song!

Bantha2 - 13 years ago

Thanks a lot.....very glad you like it and thank you for listening

JaimeMusique - 13 years ago

sooo wonderfully made and relaxing. excellent job. keep it comin!
And beautiful poem!

JaimeMusique - 13 years ago

sure thing :)

Bantha2 - 13 years ago

Thank you Jaime..... I appreciate it and thanks for listening and commenting.

MZELLYFOO - 13 years ago

Very pretty song! It's nice to listen to and relax. I love this one by you!

MZELLYFOO - 13 years ago


Bantha2 - 13 years ago

Thanks so very much..... I am glad you like it and shared your comments...Thank you

ellamusic - 13 years ago

This is an amazing song! I read the poem and listened to the melody and I was completely overhelmed. Beautiful creation.

Bantha2 - 13 years ago

Thank you Ella.....I really appreciate it....and I want to thank you for listening and commenting.

Lyadra - 13 years ago

Sr for the late rep, Bantha! D: I've been really busy lately... D:
The song is amazing! 5 stars as always :D

Bantha2 - 13 years ago

Thanks Lyadra.... so glad you could listen and comment.....I appreciate it.

Lyadra - 13 years ago

And the poem too :D

chaplin - 13 years ago

Beautiful song. It is soothing. Very nice as usual. :-)

Bantha2 - 13 years ago

I appreciate your very kind words and comments and thank you for listening......:)

musickiller - 13 years ago

beautiful bantha just simply beautiful and i to love the summers rain and it makes me said as well because we as humans take what we want from mother eath and never give back and yet mother earth forgives what we have done to her

Bantha2 - 13 years ago

Thank you so much my are so very right. I have been very concerned about it for over 30 years now, when scientist warned officials that we had to make changes at that time to possibly undo what we had done, but of course nothing much was ever done. We are much too much interested in making lots of money and giving nothing in return. You are right. Thanks for your comments.

Tiro - 13 years ago

Nice song, nice lyrics. Wrote them yourself?

Tiro - 13 years ago

Yes, he/she has a way with words!

Bantha2 - 13 years ago

Thanks T.... glad you like it and no, I didn't write the poem, but I wish I had.

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