IlluMiNati WallS BreaKinG DOWN ! created by oeroe2911 13 years ago

Plays: 79
Favorites: 18
Genre: Electronic/Techno
Mood: Running/Wild
Theme: Other
For this SonG I took a former concept of the SonG "nervous breakdown"and
used it as the bases for this "EpiC' transForminG Techno SonG!
HumanitY has been LivinG in an EnslavinG Cage for TO LONG!
NOW is the TiMe to FinallY BreaK Free, and BrinG an EnD to this
By WorlD Elites created NiGHT Mare, We All Have LiveD in TO LonG!
a Warning..! Your Idees about MusiC are Changed 4ever, after listening
to this SoNG !! SounD can TransForM our WorlD! OEROE!
EnjoY the SonG!
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