
Favorite genre
Hiphop, Rock/Metal, R&B, Dance/Disco, Electronic/Techno, Pop, Ballad, Jazz, Classical/New Age, Soul/Funk/Groove
Favorite artists
I like too many artist to show on here but I like everything.
About me
I'm a girl who makes music.Follow me on Instagram shaelynn_pratt
Songs by shaepratt1 (58) see all
shaepratt1's favorites (16) see all
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I'm not leaving musicshake. here's my new song:
Hey man!Sorry I am just now replying I have been really busy with school.I will listen to it
Hi !!
Frozen in memory!
I hope you get a chance to listen and tell us what you think!
Thank you.
Two new songs.. wow.. this negative inspiration rules...
I'm sorry to bother you with this but I'm leaving musicshake: here is my last song:
farewell dude Ill go listen to it
Hi, please check out my newest song "Pokemon Battle!" Even if you're not a Pokemon fan, you'll enjoy this song anyway! Please listen and tell me what you think, thanks!
My latest song, "A Grieving Heart". A dramatic love and heartbreak story. Please listen and tell me what you think! :-)
the STARGATE REACTiVATED*Solstice2016: this is a Special ' Solstice Remix' of the original Song ' the Stargate' I hope you will like this ' sunny remix' , and everybody will have a Long and Hot Summer! Cheers, OEROE.
What!?!?! I'm hosting a tournament! Yep if you think you are good, or you think you have an undiscovered talent, come and let me see. This time I will have chart topping Sa3u3l come to help me decide who should go through. IF YOU ARE NOT SIGNED UP BY APRIL 21ST, NOT MY PROBLEM, YOU WILL NOT BE IN. Please come and join it, have a great time, if you win, I will be doing shoutouts!!! If you wanna join just comment on my profile
Change of plans, if you do decide to join the tournament, you will not be up against jojox52, but I will find you someone to be up against
If you are in, it is online, and over a course of time you will make different songs for each challenge. If you were to join, your opponent would be jojox52 and you would remix my first song and turn it into a slow popish rock song
ok but where do I enter the tornanament and how?Im up for a challenge.
Come check out my new song, Story Land Remix! Please comment, rate, and favorite!!!