Favorite genre

Hiphop, Rock/Metal, R&B, Dance/Disco, Electronic/Techno, Pop, Ballad, Jazz, Latin, Classical/New Age, Soul/Funk/Groove

Favorite artists

I don't have a favorite artist... I think all artists are great!

About me

I choose random stuff and throw them together. I hope you like that!

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QuackQueen - 6 years ago

Can you please share your honest opinion on this?

IamR - 8 years ago

Atychiphobia - the fear of failure; the fear of not being good enough. Come have a listen, if you have a minute. ( ´ ∀ ` )ノ

lapoide - 9 years ago

Hi !
This song is for Sneazle's tournament, only if you like please rate comment and favorite
Thank you !

Aceakita - 9 years ago
"Symphony of Perfection"
This little Symphony of mines is based of the most perfect one of all. "symphony by jefferama"
Take a look at it if you have some free time, i bet you won't regret it. ;)

oeroe2911 - 10 years ago

Wherever I may Roam ! this is an amazing powerful RockSong, named after the great Metallica RockSong ! Bang your head against the wall, and let's get grazy!!!
Good Rock Music never dies!! Enjoy this PowerTrip !

oeroe2911 - 10 years ago

Opening Pandora's Box: this is a " Gangsta Rap" CroSSover, with Rock influences !
Maybe you will think..HipHop...and Rockmusic ... OEROE must be going insane ! HaHa !! But wait until you open "Pandora's Box" and after opening "IT" you might "THINK AGAIN" .....!! L.O.L. the Song is a Remix of "PANDORA" the first song created by fellowshaker CallieHunter !! ShoutOut 2 Callie!!

oeroe2911 - 10 years ago

the Flame of Amoraea : this beautiful Song is about the Flame of Amoraea,
At the heart of this Kristos Seed Atom radiates the pure love of God or Source, which takes the form of a standing wave of energy called the Flame of Amoraea, the Eternal Flame of Divine Love.
Maybe a little different "OEROE-Song, but I hope you will enjoy it !!
Cheers, OEROE.

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