OBEY YOUR MASTER. MY RETURN AFTER 3YRS! created by davidk 9 years ago
Plays: 211
Favorites: 12
Genre: Electronic/Techno
Mood: Cool/Refreshing
Theme: Graduation
Went back to the lab and added some sounds. Not the best mixxx but hey after three years what do you expect?
Other songs by davidk see all
Awesome work men. Good sounds and instruments.
Hey Ddog you still around buddy??
No men just me this time. Thanks for listening and commenting.
Hey Davidk, I only gave you 3 or 4 so far just because it's enjoyable and really makes you come back, bro :) People really like your song and pass it on, I guess. Great song!
You can start by pressing the favorite button up top.. :) hint hint. :)
That's great.. I can give you some tracks I personally enjoy.. Maybe you will like them as well. But sending all my tunes out takes time and sucks my data usage fast cause I'm making these now on my phone and I have no wifi and also I live in the country where the signal is not all that great. If you want to recommend me that would be awesome
OK who keeps giving this plays???
Very well done, stars from me!
Hey... I really liked your song :) ...?
Thanks for those worthless stars!!!! I appreciate you taking time to listen and comment.
It's good, and I really like the beat.
That's what I like to hear!!! Check out my other tunes. I'm sure you will find inspiration Like many of others have. Thank you and God bless!!!
BTW thanks for those golden treats. :)
Thanks!!!! It's good to see a familiar name after all this time. Thanks for listening.
Dude, sorry I'm late to the party!!! SO GLAD to hear a new DJ DK TUNE!!!!! I can HEAR your excitement through this. No, seriously. This is one of those LEMME OUT NOW type-songs. you actually had a lot of added musicality in it. Either that or I'm just getting better at picking out your style. I love the first bridge -- it sounds almost like you've run out of steam -- and then after 8 measure you come back in.....then comes the bass drum section, and THEN comes the high synths!!!
Party don't stop here in shaketown. We get down 24/7. Never sleeping. Just dancing and enjoying being alive in such cruel world.
I just love the fact I made this on my phone!!! Puffin web browser is the shizzz
Amen let's continue to fight the fight.
As stated before, I can feel you flexing those virtual mixing muscles.... and I love it. Because I know what it's like to feeeeeed that desire to create. Difficult to believe it was 3.5 years ago when you and I first met on this server. w00PAH for shared interests!!
Your overlord, Professor MADTOWN, commands all to dig UNDERGROUND and start an UNDERGROUND society where the RAVERS RAVE and the TRIPPERS make MADNESS MANIFEST!! Take the subway! It's a long ride to the PHUTURE!!!!!
Oh my god I sound like OEROE! lol
Where is my notifuckations???
Yea you do sound like that dutchmaster. Ha ha. Glad you enjoyed this banger.. What took you so long? You must of took the subway
DavidK is back!!! :D Nice to see a new one from ya!
Someone keeps giving me plays. Can't stop the force.
Maybe ya should. :D
Thanks bud. Maybe I should get back in that lab of mine and make another banger
Sounds great with headphones too. You da boss, DK. :D
Right on. Drop that shizz and I'll let you know if I like it or not.
haha, I have a new one in the mix aswell, ready to drop it soon. :D
O well. Yes get yourself some good head bangers and listen. It feels good to be back. Maybe I will make this phone make some awesome beats for you guys. My data surely won't last long if I keep this up though. Lol. O well I'm back!!! Now obey your master!!!
and I hardly use FB anymore, only things I use are this and discord.
It sounded good from my laptop, however I do have more pleasure listening through headphones, so i'll re-listen tomorrow when I have some. :D But all in all it sounds good from the laptop. :D
By the way I sent you a friend request on Facebook bud.
Yes sir. Time to shake this place up again. Thanks for the listen. How was it.. Considering I did make this on my phone.
Absolutely brilliant!!!
Here, you've earned yourself 5 shells.
Things were jus' not the same without ya .. It's GREAT to have you back !!!
Keep it up!
MR BROWNSTONE MAYBE. We've been dancing with Mr. Brownstone.. He keeps knocking he won't leave me alone. No no no... He won't leave me alone
Lol Brown... Who the fuck is Brown? Brown... which reminds me of a character in Quentin Tarantino's movie 'Reservoir Dogs'.
Lol my phone called you brown lololol. It's good to be back broen