Helios created by Jakio 11 years ago

Plays: 229 Favorites: 26
Genre: Electronic/Techno Mood: Dark/Heavy Theme: Other

THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR PATIENCE, BUT IT HAS ARRIVED!!!!! remember, a favorite tells me you want more!!! :) enjoy

Project J.A.K.I.O.

Chapter 1. Helios’ Story
My name is Helios Jeffery Warren. There’s nothing special about me, really. I live in room 698 on the 7th floor of our ship, Ursa. Oh right you probably don’t know. Earth was abandoned 15 years ago. I was 18 years old when it began. So young, so oblivious, getting ready to graduate from High School. I Grew up in what was known as Iowa. Nice state is was. Everything was alright. No worries no problems, even though I had a terrible family life. When I was 4 my mother died after giving birth to my younger brother, Isaac. It turns out he is not my father’s son. That drove my father to drinking, he would always beat on Issac, sad story in his case. The day before my 11th birthday, my father died in a car wreck. Isaac and I were separated he was sent to a family member out in Massachusetts whilst I remained in Iowa and lived with my uncle. We never got close, so I wasn’t home very Much. The only one whom I was ever with was my girlfriend, Maria.
I was with her when it started. You might be wondering what im talking about. Well, WWIII, that’s what. When the bombing started everything around started to turn into dust, ash and fire. My Little town I lived in evacuated in the locker room in our high school.
The Bombing, nobody knows how long it lasted. But when we emerged everything was destroyed. Months past after the war ended. The surviving 30% of the worlds population started to rebuild small communities. Our elected leaders from all around the world united and decided that the Human Race surviving was more important than the petty differences they once sought to kill each other for were no longer important. The Human Race was once again rising but this time as one united world. But the damage had been done. The Earth was collapsing. Panic streaked across the world. Our Leaders they created Project JAKIO. Its purpose to find the humans another sustainable planet to live. But there was still a few million people on Earth, you can’t transport that many. So then began the mass killings, people turned against friends, families, anyone who stood a threat to them getting a spot on “Ursa” our little village of New Iowa on the other hand was un affected by the mass killings.
After another 20% of the population that slaughter itself, the remaining 10% was told to form lines in their communities when the ship passed over. When Ursa arrived at New Iowa, we were all amazed at the size of the ship. But 1 man came out of it. It was General Harold Campbell; he was the one sorting people. When he walked by us he gave each of us a card. It had a number on it. The number I got was 698. The General read out numbers. As each number was read, Maria and I got more worried. Then as a huge sigh of relief the general said “698” I walked forward and stood by the other chosen ones. My attitude changed though when the next number read was “704” Maria’s wasn’t called. I remember my reaction.
“Hey!” I ran over to the general, “did you skip one?” the general just shoved me away. I ran after him. I grabbed the list, and scanned there was no 699 on it. I looked up just struck with surprise. I look over to maria, she has tears running down her face. Then she mouths the words “I Love You”. I attempted to run back to her but I was stopped by guards and forced on the ship.
I remember just yelling “Maria!! Maria, NOO!!!” as the ship lifted off the ground I gazed out the tiny window by the loading door. I could see her held by her mother. Waving goodbye to me as I got farther and farther away.

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