This Is How We Do created by CallieHunter 12 years ago
Plays: 60
Favorites: 5
Genre: Dance/Disco
Mood: Happy/Excited
Theme: Animation
I hope you've had enough of those love songs from Valentine's day and enjoy this song! It's something that will get you off your chair and dancin! Because, well, this is how we do!
Other songs by CallieHunter see all
I liked the song Epic Pokemon Battle so much I remixed it in a power metal style
hope you enjoy it :)
I love Pokemon <3 :D and this song
Thank you for listening! Pokemon is awesome! ^.^
Sounds like a Pokemon battle to me! I like it around the 0:42 mark when the little sound starts. Sounds kinda like and old Pokemon game! BTW, I have the original Red,Blue, and Yellow! :3
I almost caught all 151 Pokemon in Yellow, but the game forgot my save data somehow! I was gonna catch Mew also... Darn!
Awesome. You must be addicted to Pokemon. Well so do I ;D
I am pleased with Pikachu.