MusicShaker Love! created by LadyFawkes 13 years ago

Plays: 55
Favorites: 18
Genre: R&B
Mood: Happy/Excited
Theme: Other
When one is in love, all the world seems gold!
It is even better when one has fallen for a fellow MusicShaker.
Has this happened to you? Are you meant for each other? Are you waiting for it to happen? I promise, it's possible--it has happened to me!
And no, I will not name him. ;)
For the past few months, nearly every song of mine has been created with him in mind. He has made me very happy and this is my personal dedication for our relationship.
Much love for you! You know who you are!
Other songs by LadyFawkes see all
Olà! Awesome song.
this is more like rb but i think it sound really good none the less
A fine reason if their ever were one to create a piece of music....a nice melody indeed.....sorry for the lateness of my reply i've been away for a while gl to you 2 hope things continue going well ^.^
It's me, isn't it?
Great job on this tune.
Nice song! I really enjoy the contrast in sounds!
Woohoo!! Thank you, BL! :)
Awesome! :D I especially like the pianos. They add something special to the song. Great job! rate+fave
Thankyas, Blinks. :) Appreciate it the fave/rating!
Be careful with people over the internet, they aren't always what they pretend to be. Nice song!
Lol thank you!! ^_^
Oh yeah, you're certainly old and wise enough then :D Good good, then I wish you the best of luck with your music shake "love" :)
Thanks for the concern, but I can look out for myself, lol. I've been on the internet since I was 13, and that was back in 1991 -- before the internet was "cool"! #hipsterfawkes
Haha, the picture says everything :D I am impressed about this nice 'love declaration'. Beautiful enchanting song and well put together LadyF ^_~
I believe you are the only one so far who has received the full message of this song's avatar, LOL. I'm pleased that you like the declaration as well as the song. :) Cheers!
amazing song! a masterpiece
sorry for not getting to it earlier :)
Thank you, Maro!! And no problem, we all have other things to do! :)
Iz got a crush on someone outside the MS community....:P
Lol. That's okay, too. xD