Black Dove created by koloup 13 years ago
Plays: 163
Favorites: 26
Genre: Ballad
Mood: Longing/Anticipating
Theme: Movie
A slow, sad song song about a dark time in my life. The song is slow until the end, as it finally begins to build, showing my push out of darkness and into light. Thanks to all my fans as I dedicate this song to three people who I really appreciate the support of on this site. They may not realize, but their little encouragement stopped me from giving up on music and they helped me find the light. I found peace from darkness with music. Thanks Sonisparks, Bantha2, and harjot. This is Black Dove. Enjoy!
Other songs by koloup see all
This is very beauty-fula.. wow! This has really touched my heart!. you deserve 5/5! Amazing sounding and everything! =' ) ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧!!!
Thank you rellkid I'm glad you liked it!
nice choice in using the noble string and the fast acoustic guitar
= )
Thanks! I'm glad you liked it!
very very beautiful, I like :)
Aw thank you luana I'm glad you liked it so much!
cool mix
Thank you :D
Such a beautiful song :,)
Thank you so much Pageynira! I'm glad you liked it!
This is amazing! Thanks so much!! Black dove is officially one of my absolute favorites! ^-^
=3 *gushy face* Thanks. i wasn't supporting you to be a kiss up though, i seriously liked your songs! Keep up the good work and i thank you for dedicating a song to me. For that your awesome too! ^.~
Yeah I'm glad you like it! But seriously I dedicated it to you for a reason! Thank you so much for supporting me you're awesome :D
This is so beautiful! truly breath taking and lovely. great work, keep on going! :)
Thank you so much! :D I'm glad you liked it.
ThiS is VerY MovinG and InspirinG!! SweeT!! **5**
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it! :D
very lovely and smooth :D
welcome :)
Thanks lilred! :)
Perfection! It was wonderful music.
Thank you roughtice, I'm glad you liked it!