UnKnowN InTeLLigenCE created by oeroe2911 13 years ago

Plays: 120
Favorites: 25
Genre: Electronic/Techno
Mood: Warm/Comforting
Theme: Other
Let YourSelf be InSpired by an UnKnoWN INTeLLiGencE.....
I really must have Channeled these "out of this world" tunes , when I
was creating this song....because they sound Amazing !! LOL! Enjoy !!
Grts. OEROE !!
Other songs by oeroe2911 see all
its like living inside a robot...very myserious
me 2 :)
thas that sounds fun to me! I love mystery
hope that sounds good XD
nice song dude
great song! ''it was good'' : D
Wow! I LOVE IT!!
Great Job on this one.
I really liked this beautiful creation Oeroe , it must have bin the channeling then suddenly i saw the truth ^^ but i saw a lot of sheep to ^^ , i have to say Oeroe more music like this one and i have to download it ,all the best Friend . Peace
Yes I am very familiar with David Ancient! I follow all of his work & video's for about 10 years now! as a matter afact, I just watched his new video tonight!
David Icke - A World of Clinical Insanity..Where The Crazies Rule!
watch it when you can! it is uplifting in a funny BUT very serious way! all the best
to U2! OEROE!
Are you familiar with David Icke and if you are what do you think of hes work,all the best .
A BIG THANX to YOU my Ancient Brother!!! Feel free to do what ever you like to do with my music my friend!! that's the whole purpose of my songs, to make a possitive contribution to 'the whole' or All people, and to help LIFTING the 'Global Conciousness' !! And I think 'SHEEP HERDING' is the best way to reach this....!!
Turn UP the Frequencies..!@! all the best my friend, and thank you kindly for all the nice and powerfull comments on my new Songs!! With Respect, OEROE!<@@>
=) yes!
well everyone else had what they had to say. I could only say 3 letters. =) well here's another 3 letter word. Wow
<@@> Yes! ....Okay Ford, I gues we just got Married..? LOL!!
Thanx Bro!! Feels good to have your support!! grts OEROE!
completely amazing nothing less wow love it 5 stars
this amazing song will easily find its way to the top in no time its so creative and its a big hit
wow this is too beautiful, creative sounds good , I love as always.. Master Oeroe
Your work is gorgeous as usual.
I agree w/ Neko.. This is so creative, I love it! :D