FALL created by joliet 14 years ago

Plays: 105 Favorites: 11
Genre: Classical/New Age Mood: Soft/Quiet Theme: Remix

"I'll tell you how the leaves came down,"
The great tree to his children said,
"You're getting sleepy, Yellow and Brown,
Yes, very sleepy, little Red.
It is quite time to go to bed."

"Ah!" begged each silly, pouting leaf,
"Let us a little longer stay;
Dear Father Tree, behold our grief;
Tis such a very pleasant day
We do not want to go away."

So, for just one more merry day
To the great tree the leaflets clung,
Frolicked and danced, and had their way,
Upon the autumn breezes swung,
Whispering all their sports among,--

"Perhaps the great tree will forget,
And let us stay until the spring,
If we all beg, and coax, and fret."
But the great tree did no such thing;
He smiled to hear their whispering.

"Come, children, all to bed," he cried;
And ere the leaves could urge their prayer,
He shook his head, and far and wide,
Fluttering and rustling everywhere,
Down sped the leaflets through the air.

I saw them; on the ground they lay,
Golden and red, a huddled swarm,
Waiting till one from far away,
White bedclothes heaped upon her arm,
Should come to wrap them safe and warm.

The great bare tree looked down and smiled,
"Good-night, dear little leaves," he said.
And from below each sleepy child
Replied, "Good-night," and murmured,
"It is so nice to go to bed!"

How the Leaves Came Down by Susan Coolidge.

I`d like to dedicate this song to Scootch who has been there and back. May the Muse never leave you and peace of mind be never far away. Welcome back.

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CCCat - 10 years ago

Sort of odd how it shows this song as being released 2 years ago, when it was really only last year. I hope it gets some new life this season, as I couldn't come up with a new Christmas season song that I was ready to release...I do hope you enjoy it this time around! Have a Blessed Christmas season.

rosypony1 - 10 years ago

that is odd, huh....

rosypony1 - 10 years ago

Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to delete that last comment!! :/ I am feeling better, thank you! How was your Christmas?

rosypony1 - 10 years ago

i had a great Christmas! it may seem sad being lonely, but a bunch of screaming kids and barking dogs has its ups and downs too :) some times a cup of hot chocolate, alone by the fire, is my favorite thing around christmas.

CCCat - 10 years ago

Geez, I guess I've been busy since I just now am reading your comment. My Christmas was fine, but a little too quiet Christmas Day. My siblings all had other plans that day, so our get together was on Christmas Eve only. I was just a little lonely, that's all. How was your Christmas??

Broen - 10 years ago

Glad I dropped by. This is just amazingly beautiful. I'm verry impressed. Very well done Cat! ^-^

CCCat - 10 years ago

Thanks SO much, Broen!! I am very, very grateful for your time and am glad you enjoyed it enough to comment & fav it!!

CAB1 - 10 years ago

splendid song. merry christmas fam

CCCat - 10 years ago

Muchos Gracias, senor Cab. Merci Beaucoups, Monsieur Cab. Or is it Gracias Beaucoups or Muchos Merci!!! (whatever floats your boat) :)

I am glad you enjoyed it and I really hope you have a great Christmas, dear sir!!!!

CasualT - 10 years ago

Nice song CC. It has a lot of heart and it feels cozy. I used the same guitar part over different chords on a song recently. Give it a listen, it is also a positive song. We need these lately. http://eng.musicshake.com/song/276327

CCCat - 10 years ago

It means a LOT to me that you enjoyed this song, CasualT!! I hate to admit it, because it might make me seem too self-absorbed or whatever, that this is song I actually listen to from time to time because it brings me peace. I'm going to listen to your song now & I'll leave feedback on your song page. Thanks again, and have a Merry Blessed Christmas!!

nuhouse - 10 years ago

Well done!
Peaceful and inspired!
Good job!

CCCat - 10 years ago

THANK YOU, nuhouse!!!! I am thankful that you had time to listen, and your comments are really nice, and much appreciated!! Have a Merry Christmas!!!

NewKidd - 10 years ago

Beautiful song, CCCat!
Thank you for re-posting.....very well done and perfect timing!
Thank you!

CCCat - 10 years ago

OH, thank you, NewKidd!! I am SO glad you enjoyed it!!! I appreciate your time and for leaving such nice comments and for the fav!!! Have a Blessed Christmas!!!

RichieWSills - 11 years ago

It's an awesome song! And I prefer easy listening, too. That is how I try to create my songs. ANd if I can find good songs that are easy listening, I make sure to keep them in my automated MS playlist, so I can continue to listen to them. This is one of those songs I am definitely keeping.

CCCat - 11 years ago

THANKS, Richie!!!!!! I appreciate your taking time to listen to this song, and for the great comments you left!! Thanks also for the fave!!!!!!

NewKidd - 11 years ago

Beautifully arranged!
Very well done...two thumbs up!

CCCat - 11 years ago

Thanks so much, NewKidd; and blessings to you, too!!! I really appreciate your listening to it as I try to do my best!!!

KikiLjubi - 11 years ago

Yes, that's it! Gorgeous sound for my ears! 5***** fav!

CCCat - 11 years ago

Thank you SO MUCH, KikiLjubi!! I appreciate your listening to it!!!

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Nov 28 2011
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