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Hollywood Undead, Deuce, Breaking Benjamin, Red, Limp Bizkit and many more

About me

Just a little 18 year old boy stumbling upon the site. I DON´T believe in God, so please refrain from posting songs in my profile for me to check it out because I won't

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Thewildellis - 8 years ago

You thought i was done...
Check out my new song - All In One...
The best one yet...

Thewildellis - 8 years ago

Check out my new song Rise Back...
It indicates me coming back to make new stuff on musicshake!

Sneazle - 10 years ago

Come check out my new song, Story Land Remix! Please comment, rate, and favorite!!!

oeroe2911 - 10 years ago

Embraced by Light Again : this very beautiful song is a remix of my song "Embrace the Light, which was a remix of the original song "50 Gs" , created by our good friend, and fellow shaker GComet !! He left Musicshake some months ago, and I realy hope he will come back some day, to create more songs like the one that was the basis 4 this one! high five 4 GComet! Cheers, OEROE.

oeroe2911 - 10 years ago

FREEDOM OF SPEECH. a very nice techno song in which the Synth's will explain what is meant with this most important right , that we all have , and why it's important to fight for this right! Listen to what the Synths have to say !! Enjoy, OEROE.

oeroe2911 - 10 years ago

Driven by Space Power. this Amazing Rock Song is a Remix of the original Song "ROCK NIGHT EXTENDED" created by fellow shaker SpaceDrive !

oeroe2911 - 10 years ago

extraterrestrial contact : an "alien" technosong ! if you want to meet the E T's, you have to listen carefully, and turn up your soundlevel for interstellar frequencies!
Enjoy! OEROE from the STARS !

CAB1 - 10 years ago

helllo hello, my name is cab, ive been here a few years and id like it if you could check out my music, and tell me what you think.. id gladly return the favor to you if you just post on my page. :D

oeroe2911 - 11 years ago

OEROE'S Symphonic Rock Overture I decided it was time 4 me to give one Song all the Mixing Skills and Love possible, and my intention with this is to inspire everybody to keep on creating their music, and most important that you all keep on trying 2 improve yourself with everything you do in your Life !! I hope you will Enjoy this Epic Symphonic Rock Song@! it's the ultime remix of the song "Wind and Wuthering" !

monicamohamm - 11 years ago

HI My name is.Monica ,
nice to meet you please

contact me here i have something to Share

with you or you can give me your
mail to contact you please

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