
Favorite genre

Hiphop, Rock/Metal, R&B, Dance/Disco, Electronic/Techno, Pop, Ballad, Latin, Classical/New Age, Soul/Funk/Groove

Favorite artists

Mattybraps, Marsraps, Ed sheeran, Taylor swift, One Direction, Emblem3, The Vamps, Ylvis, Glee and many more.... BUT I'M MOSTLY A FAN OF D12 EMIN3M!!!!!

About me

My name is Taylor. I am 12 years old and I'm sort of into this you know, the music people create and the ones I make, when I close my eyes and listen to them it takes me to a different place and makes me feel awesome. I'm a big fan of EMIN3M + D12 and I have a big passion for music. I use to play violin and harmonica and now I make tracks/songs. I'm also on Ujam.com with the same user name and I'm on soundcloud known as Taytay11h. ;)

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Sneazle - 10 years ago

Happy Valentine's Day, usually you will give something to your soulmate, but I gave something to my friend. Here is for Clarke who committed suicide a few months ago.

Sneazle - 10 years ago

Hurry, only a few more days to join my tournament!!!

SpaceDrive - 10 years ago

ROCK NIGHT SUMMER REMIX : http://eng.musicshake.com/song/273128

oeroe2911 - 10 years ago

IS THiS THE END .?... a very powerful RockSong, about being the only shaker left, on an Empty Chartlist, in downtown Shaketown Valley !! IS THERE ANYBODY OUT THERE ..?..I'm starting to feel like Will Smith, in the movie "Am I Legend" come on Guys...WAKE UP and ENJOY ( while you still can..) OEROE!

oeroe2911 - 11 years ago

Put on a Happy Face ! this Happy techno song is a collaboration between shaker - collabin ccollins and OEROE2911 !! so no matter what terrible circumstances you find yourself in, just keep calm..and put on a HAPPY FACE !!

oeroe2911 - 11 years ago

MiSSiON POSSIBLE this techno song is part of a mission impossible! I can't tell you what it's about, because that's impossible....LOL! Enjoy the song whenever it's possible...OEROE.
Play this as loud as possible !

oeroe2911 - 11 years ago

I DiD iT MY WAY !! This Rock Song is about Staying Who You are, and doing things in a way that's true 2 Yourself, no matter what!! Infact it is more like an autobiography of OEROE2911 !! Enjoy the song, and play it as loud as possible! Cheers, OEROE!
Proud2BLoud !

Taytay11 - 11 years ago


oeroe2911 - 11 years ago

ST0RMTR00PERS PsyTrance this is a crazy and hyperfast techno/trance Song! it's a remix of an older song I created some years ago, called "take your MediCine" !
Enjoy and have Fun! OEROE

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