PRISONERS OF WAR created by oeroe2911 11 years ago
Plays: 171
Favorites: 24
Genre: Rock/Metal
Mood: Running/Wild
Theme: Get Well
This ROCK SONG is a very nice colloboration between 2 "old Rockers" LOL OEROE2911 and Ariyandi ! I really am very happy with this song, but it was supposed to have a total length of a little more than 9 minutes, but I tried to upload it ceveral times, and each time the mp3 endmix stopped at 6:20. so I had to make it smaller and had to shorten it. But I think it is still a great song! hope you like it, and a Big Shout Out to"Rock dady" Ariyandi, and there also is a hidden message within the song for a good buddy of mine, and I don't give you his name, but he will know what I mean with this! Cheers! ENJOY! AND STOP ALL WARS!!!!!
~~~~~~PRISONERS OF WAR~~~~~~~}}}}}}}}}
Remixed from Oeroe - Collab by Ariyandi
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sadly i un-posted F to Zero, so it seems like what u kids call ''legandery'' remix is now a ''legandery'' song.
ROGER my friend! thanks for the message, and I will check out your othersongs as well! Cheers, OEROE
-oh yeah, i'm a hip hop guy now. but i still like heavy metal:D
i re-posted it.
Amazing a lot of energy in this song !!!
AWEREEEEEEEEEEESOME intro oeroe keep it up you know i haven´t been here for a while so Check my New SERIES REBORN
The hell of a ride! Well done! ;)
rock on!!!!
Well done, My friend, Well done.
Not Bad.
well done!!! keep it up ^_^