E.T. TriBe NeW WorLD VisioN created by oeroe2911 12 years ago

Plays: 78 Favorites: 17
Genre: Electronic/Techno Mood: Running/Wild Theme: Get Well

This is the EnD ResulT of the SonG E.T. TriBe number 199 !
I PosteD the Song Late at Night, But I was not Totaly SatisFieD with
the Length Of the SonG, and I Knew it had not reached its Full Potential!
But I PosteD it anyway for the time being, because SonG 200 was already
"UnderWaY" SonG 199 is a BIG Success, BuT in my OpinioN is the SonG
ReadY for a TransForMatioN to "the NeXT LeVeL" in the same WaY HuMaNiTy
is FiNaLy ReaDy FoR the NeXT LeVeL !! This is a ReCreAtioN EnD ReSuLT!
E.T. stands For EveR ToGeTHeR !!! EnjoY and REmemBeR !!!

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Dec 03 2012
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