EviL is CoMinG ! DarKNeSS is BacK .... created by oeroe2911 13 years ago

Plays: 132
Favorites: 15
Genre: Electronic/Techno
Mood: Dark/Heavy
Theme: Animation
I uploaded this Song YesterdaY.....And I posted it with the message
"DarKneSS is CominG to an ComPuteR near YOU"''' !!
But I thinK this DarKneSS came into My ComPuter FirsT !
the Song had an ERROR! LOL!! but no FEAR!! NOW it is returning,
To all you really Nice MuSicShaKers !! enjoy IT !! ( before it is to late...)
Other songs by oeroe2911 see all
pretty happy for a evil song...LOL
Sounds too lighthearted to be a dark/heavy song. But besides that nice song.
thanx for listening ShadowofLife! I know what you mean, but let's call it, "spraiding some light in the darkness" LOL!
Awesome job! Keep up the good works! :)
very nice song dude
very cool song very nice sounds and synths the one at 0:53 was very good all in all it was a great song
tank you
ThanX Abite I know you love the synths, so I used ' some extra' special for you!
grts OEROE! <@@> !
It's not that dark of a song but maybe this song is evil my browser kept crashing around the 2nd time I was listening to this last night xD, lol anyways good job as usual Oeroe
I love this song! Keep going! <3
Sure I will do that Alyssia! Nothing can stop me now....LOL!@ thanx! <@@>
This song is like the art of all video games I was playing. This is so cool; now you made my imagination complete! :)
I am really pleased to hear that Kiara !! <@@> oeroe.
duuuuude.. .not only is this awesome, it takes me back to when i started, when i was still developing my style since it is similar this one. thanks oeroe, you reminded me of why i like making music on here in the first place.
Thank you Hytru! I am glad to have helped you reminding 'the old times'! LOL!
well this is awesome sounding!
thanx for the comment Ford! grts OEROE <@@>!