
Favorite genre
R&B, Pop, Ballad
About me
Hello:) I'm Elina!I I hope you like my music:D Go and become a fan of my friend Rosy!
OH! some things I like is the color blue, twizzlers, and UNICORNS! I love unicorns so don't judge me because I love them and I want them to become real so I can have three million and one unicorns to keep forever. I'M NORMAL I PROMISE:)
Songs by ItsElina (11) see all
ItsElina's favorites (12) see all
"Symphony of Perfection"
This little Symphony of mines is based of the most perfect one of all. "symphony by jefferama"
Take a look at it if you have some free time, i bet you won't regret it. ;)
New track is out! - Violins Of Violence - Check it out! Comment/Favorite if you like. Feel free to remix! >>>>>
Hey Fil!!!! This is Cub... if you couldn't already tell
I need to talk to you so whenever you can... go on quotev please
It's cubs friend
"The TechnoMatic" - here is my 3# song of what rosypony1 is calling "Music Week".
This is a remix of a wild OEROE techno song called "the WeirdoMatic". I hope you like it!
"Forget Me"
from my new EP Cause and Effect.
Enjoy this Classical Electric Piece
Going Back in Time : With this beautiful and Mysterious Song, I will take you back in Time! it will bring us to almost 4 years ago, when I created my most favorite Song, called "the Dark Tales" So come along, and enter this Mysterious Place, where those "little Dark Creatures' Live! Enjoy, OEROE!
"Can't Let Go"
I tried to give this remix the same angst and longing of CyberDragonX's original tune, with some embellishments that I hope you enjoy.
Thanks for listening!!!
the ERR0R in TiME (ShpongleliZed) this is a techno/latin "shonglelized " crossover version of the song "End Times Proph" , and it is dedicated to my friend and fellow shaker "Blanktown" . Enjoy this error in Time, and move those feet !! OEROE!
Sinner (a back to the basics remix) and the 2nd song off of my new E.P. Cause and Effect.
along with a story, enjoy this headbanging, synth remix whilst enjoy a good read.
thanks in advance