
Hiphop, Rock/Metal, Dance/Disco, Electronic/Techno, Pop, Ballad, Jazz, Latin, Classical/New Age, Soul/Funk/Groove
Hey guys! We're the EliteFour (The tough leaders of the Pokemon league before you battle the Champion--in the Games) Better known as LeppyLove, 89Ford, Link12, and OhhKayy.
So, many of you have noticed we've been making Pokemon songs, they sound EPIC!! Go check em out, if you haven't already.. in our list of Favorites :D
Leppy decided to create a MS account so we can have a place to post Pokemon songs and if you like--you can battle them!
Thanks for Fanning us, we'll have some awesome Pokemon songs on our way! Stay posted ^-^
--Edited by OhhKayy
This page is a place where we all can enjoy being a kid again.
Think you have the guts to battle us?? Bring it on!!!
--This is LeppyLove
WARNING: If there is any spamming, or harassment I will report you; And do what I can to make sure you don't come back.
[Take this strongly and seriously, please! Thanks and have a good day]
This is goodbye man. MS is officially dead. Probably my last time reaching out. I wish you the best.
If by some miracle you see this, know that I considered you my biggest supporter.
It's been such a long time since I've made a song. Here's my new release: http://eng.musicshake.com/song/314431
Hope you enjoy! :)
It's SO SAD that musicshake is no more due to no flash player. I'm really disappointed this platform was deserted by the creators of the website. I got a few songs downloaded by 12/31/20 before flash went down. I emailed in vain; but if there's a miracle, maybe they'll rework the site to include the newer technologies to get it up and running again; but I won't hold my breath! It always had potential to be so much more. Best of luck to you! JuliaCrane.
Hello my friend I have returned please check my latest music
Here's my new song that I put together: http://eng.musicshake.com/song/312686 Hope you enjoy! :)
Beware of "Monster" when you are alone in the dark.
Check out my new song : http://eng.musicshake.com/song/312549
Thank you for your listening. :D
Do you need a "Love Like This"?
Check out my new song
Thank you for your listening :D
I decided to make another new song: http://eng.musicshake.com/song/312202 Hope you enjoy!
hey man, i like your stuff! i think your experimental style is pretty cool. i'm a fan now.
if you can be bothered, i would appreciate it if you could take the time to listen to a couple of my newest songs!
Thank you for becoming my new fan! :D