
Favorite genre
Hiphop, R&B, Dance/Disco, Electronic/Techno, Jazz, Soul/Funk/Groove
About me
im leavin
im gone
i was already gone
im still gone
i just edited this so i wouldn't have ":3" in the description of any account ive made ever lmao
Songs by AliceKozu (18) see all
ST0RMTR00PERS PsyTrance this is a crazy and hyperfast techno/trance Song! it's a remix of an older song I created some years ago, called "take your MediCine" !
Enjoy and have Fun! OEROE
This song has taken longer to make than any other song I have made. And it uses twice as many instruments. I have been going through a lot of stress lately, and I wanted to capture what I feel in this song. I hope you like my song, "Deliver Us".
I HOpE yOu wILl coMMenT AnD RATE!!!! This is only my third song...maybe I shouldn't say that, I don't want to scare you away!!!!!!:)
"Glowing Again"
Just Hit 200 fans!!!!
I'd like to celebrate with you! Listen and Enjoy this dedication to all my fans!!!! THANK YOU!!!!
Voltage (Shock Syndrome Version)
"Magical Broadcast"
"notNick norSecretariat"
OK, folks, here it is!!! The first ever COLLAB with the talented MS veteran, notNick; and the very inexperienced, brand new shaker Secretariat.
I give full credit to notNick for composing a great song that I gave my signature to after he laid the foundation
Album: Day Zero
Bonus Track: Dementia
If you like Sci-fi, if you like rock, this link gives you both! Click it and you'd make me the happiest Shaker on this website :) :)
"Left You Behind"
"The City By Night"
This is a remix of a great song by CCCat, and she has been kind enough to allow me to remix her original arrangement. I think you will enjoy it; please listen when you get a chance & leave me your comments!!! Don't forget to rate it, also!!!! Thanks!!!!