Sundown Saturday created by Cranium 11 years ago

Plays: 29 Favorites: 6
Genre: Electronic/Techno Mood: Light/Bright Theme: Other

This is a remix of a good song by Chip. Chip, I hope you are okay with my remixing your song!!!!

I kept the original theme and instruments...just adjusted individual instrument volumes as when they are at 100% sounds tend to distort on speakers. Plus, I've added some more synths, keyboard, and rhythm.

I hope you enjoy this little remix. Thanks for listening!

Remixed from Saturday Morning by Chip
Genre: Electronic/Techno Mood: Light/Bright Theme: Animation
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JuliaCrane - 11 years ago

I'm just getting around MS to listen to songs I've missed. This is a hidden gem!!! Sorry more shakers haven't been listening; they're missing out on a smooooothe techno song. 5***** & a fav!!!!

Secretariat - 11 years ago

Another under-appreciated song of yours, Cranium. This is amazing!!! Shakers just don't support these's getting sad lately. But I'll be listening to it - in my faves!!!!
Great song!

Amity63 - 11 years ago

Um, I'm still a learner. I didn't realize the volume can be adjusted. D'oh. Silly me. I've only been here a day. There are a lot of good songs on here, including yours! My friend Devnet (DEVNET83) joined and is already in my opinion better than me. This site is fun.

Cranium - 11 years ago

Good luck to is fun! If you listen to a song that you like ongoing, don't forget to rate the song (1-5 *) and/or favorite's the ways we support each other on this site - the only ways we can. Though outsiders (non-members) can listen to songs they can't comment, or rate, or fav a song.

jevouseme - 11 years ago

Very excellent remix...even if it weren't a remix it's excellent!!! 5* and a fav!!

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