Legacy created by jlee23 11 years ago

Plays: 65 Favorites: 19
Genre: Ballad Mood: Longing/Anticipating Theme: Other

This is my last song ladies and gents. I'm done. Also it's not at all about the whole picture deal. I kind of been thinking about leaving anyways before that whole started. One, it seems like half my fans are missing so I had to reach out to way more people just to get any kind of luck and two because I'm flat out running out of ideas anyways ( or at least ones I actually want to do). I'm sure you guys/girls are going to do fine without me. Those of you that have some last words, go ahead and say it now so I can thank those who really care before all is completely said and done. I've decided to set the deadline of me being here on JULY 27 which is the coming up Sunday. That way you can send in whatever song you want me to hear before I go. This is Jake saying goodbye.

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Apr 29 2019
Jul 21 2014
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