the BLue STorM created by oeroe2911 13 years ago

Plays: 111 Favorites: 16
Genre: Electronic/Techno Mood: Running/Wild Theme: Get Well

Dit You ever heard of a Blue StoRM.....well I asure you in the nearby Future You WiLL...IF you listen to the SonG , You can have "a little previeuw" of this "BLue SToRM" ..! you will just Love it! MucH Energy! OEROE!

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Ladyturntable - 13 years ago

hmm...not sure about this one. too techo for me sry :/

JaimeMusique - 13 years ago


blanktown48 - 13 years ago

OeroE, l ThinK tHe StorM iS MissinG StarS!! BuT YouR PicturE ShowS ThE TwO MissinG StarS ReturNinG StraighT SafE FoR EartH [aNd ThE ShakE!!]

bluelightnin - 13 years ago

5 stars................. again. lol

Gr8peAp3 - 13 years ago

brilliant song!! another great song from Oeroe :D

KiaraAngel - 13 years ago

This song sounds amazing in an epic way. And the theme blue storm very cool! 5 stars. ;)

luana01 - 13 years ago

still beautiful music and full of energy

harjot - 13 years ago

Sorry Oeroe.. You must be wondering why I'm not on so often cuz I'm usually the first to listen to your amazing creations, But I've been packed with assingments and tests :( Forgive me.. Anyways, this song is AWESOME :D Your songs are always so funky and that's what makes them awesome :)

harjot - 13 years ago

:) Thanks for understanding Oeroe! And you don't sleep? ;o I wouldn't be able to function without 8 hours of sleep, I'd be soo cranky! Well you are so awesome for understanding but your song was also just as awesome :D

oeroe2911 - 13 years ago

Thanks for your nice comment harjot! it is very sweet of you to explain your situation, but there is really no need to say sorry,because I do know you must have a bussy life ,just like most of the shakers in this virtual reality!LOL! I am happy guy when I see your comments on my song, but I understand that your time zone is very different than the one I live in! I think I just don't live in any time zone,because people are often asking me what I still do online! OEROE does not sleep..! LOL! <#@>

Nickii - 13 years ago

i love blue storm

Chart listings
Feb 11 2013
Feb 18 2013
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