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Cool to see another song Maddie, you did add a very mystic feeling with the synthesizers in this one and excellent job on the orchestra it sounds very dramatic in some parts which isn't easy to do here, another awesome track!
Real awesome! has a epic smash to it.
very good music :) great job
Intense a big-scale work. Was it the best :D
It's Awesome!Great Job!b{]^.~[}
Epic work, Maddi !
A song that smacks of endless adventure. I like it.Fun me plz
Cool to see another song Maddie, you did add a very mystic feeling with the synthesizers in this one and excellent job on the orchestra it sounds very dramatic in some parts which isn't easy to do here, another awesome track!
Real awesome! has a epic smash to it.
very good music :) great job
Intense a big-scale work.
Was it the best :D
It's Awesome!
Great Job!
Epic work, Maddi !
A song that smacks of endless adventure. I like it.
Fun me plz