FLIGHT 99 Check E.T. in /out... created by oeroe2911 13 years ago
Plays: 142
Favorites: 21
Genre: Electronic/Techno
Mood: Happy/Excited
Theme: Game
Here it Comes..Song no.99 of the Amazing Musical Adventures
from OeRoEbOeRoE 2911! in this episode oeroe takes us on
a TechnoTrip in his flying OeroeBird Ship...the F.O.S.
Just a WARNING ...Don't Look Down !! Have a nice trip...
Other songs by oeroe2911 see all
So exciting, Oeroe! Sorry for my delay in listening! I enjoyed this flight.
Im lovin this song! Its just so awesome, i cant stop playing it!
Thank you kindly my friend! That is the best reward one can get after making a new song!!
Grtz. OEROE.
Great techno, OEROE!!!
Anything to keep you on the dancefloor mr.bear!!
Thanx for support!
Song #99 and I know 100 is coming soon haha :), you did a very good job of keeping things moving in this one, lol i'm sure Flight 99 make for an awesome party if it actually existed ;P. Also thanks to your wife for the comment she left on my last video that was very nice of her! ^^
Thanx bro! I was having some problems with my space ship(car)
So i had not a lot of time to create songs ! But today i finaly am going to enjoy your plano magic !
I will report back to you as soon as possible my dear dark star! Grtz,oeroe.
Great song..i really like this,intesting background and name ,great work!!
Now I'm just astonished, really! All you songs are so adventurous, especially with this song. The thing I like about this one is that it creates a story of a journey above the skies, it's so majestic with the chords you've used as well, they create a light feeling around you. Anywho, Seriously great work Oeroe! I really love this! ^.^
You really work so hard with your songs, Time for this musician to support another musician! :D
Wow, that was awesome!
We are waiting for flight 100.
It is very cool music. very nice work.
Very awesome bro :D