The Valley of Death created by iAwesome42 14 years ago

Plays: 90
Favorites: 13
Genre: Hiphop
Mood: Dark/Heavy
Theme: Movie
*keyword* IMAGINE!
You get kicked out of your house you have no money, no house, no nothing...Your an empty vessel, an outcast, a ghost to others...You feel like you have no soul your just roaming "The Valley of Death"...
Other songs by iAwesome42 see all
cool song! i can totally visualize a story. heyy that reminds me of my song "The Hunger Games", i put a story into that one too. care for a listen? :D
yes! I totally care for a listen!
Dude, every single one of your songs have a great way of letting the listener wander off and imagine their own story, this is really great!
Well im glad you feel that I want the listener to feel what they want to feel but at the same time try and get my point of view.
Wow. This is a masterpiece. You created a story here.. truly, a job well done :)
Check out my new song Sautiaaanoalii?
Thanks I really appriciate the fact that you called it a masterpeice...thanks
and my favorite part is at about 3:35 it sounds like an attempt to escape something :P
VOD = valley of death xD
Really awesome, I like the sounds .This is very well done,excellent job!
not bad. well composed. it actually kinda reminds me of the black ops zombie sound track from TreyArc sound. and when ever i get the chance Im gonna start working on some vocals for the forth song in my Caution Raptors Ahead album on here. It's gonna be called "Silently as She Sleeps" which will be pure "Post-Hardcore" Rock, or as some people call it Screamo-core
Will do.
notice me when your song comes out.
thats kinda what my friends said...but thanks for your input...iAwesome
Good song on VoD
what does that mean?
NOTICE:The fast parts are when you are running and when you stop you are breathing!
Wow, just... wow! You are definitely becoming one of the more awesome MusicShakers!
Thanks man...Im kinda glad you think that well just hope one day youll burst like this one day too...iAwesome
Wow! Great job on this one.
I'm started to love this song.