
Favorite genre
Hiphop, Rock/Metal, R&B, Dance/Disco, Electronic/Techno, Pop, Soul/Funk/Groove
Favorite artists
Avicii, Every move a picture, Daft punk, Beastie boys, Black keys, foster the people, Netsky, High contrast, Gorillaz, Weezer, Justice so many more
About me
I'm a 15 year old grade 10 student in Calgary who loves music!!
I'm trying my hand at making songs on music shake to create the things i love most.
I got da facebook!
Gimme da feedback!!!
I love lots of music esspecialy Alternitive and Electric, although i mainly do electric/dance songs on here
I love RPGs, music, and friends...and Pokemon...!!
And uh yeah...
Songs by shadow9lives (12) see all
shadow9lives's favorites (13) see all
Let It Go
- Hi, I would like you to hear my new sound:
- Thank you very much n_n.