
Favorite genre

Rock/Metal, R&B, Dance/Disco, Pop, Ballad, Jazz, Classical/New Age, Soul/Funk/Groove

Favorite artists

Keiko Matsui, Sandra, Bosson, Ennio Morricone, A-ha, Nightwish..

About me

Love creating my own music, but I don't play any of instruments. So it's my favorite place for it :) I experiment a lot with emotions I put into the music, otherwise it would be just a sound. Hobbies: travel, sports, dances, books, poetry. Always open for new opportunities and friends, so see yaa!

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Gr8peAp3 - 9 years ago

Hey, I hope I'm not bothering you too much. But, can you please check out my new song "The Pink Elephant". It's my first attempt on making a jazz-esque song. Hope you enjoy it!

Gr8peAp3 - 9 years ago

Check out my new song: "When Freedom Calls"

TarasMusic95 - 10 years ago

Hello! please check out my new song : "Receiving God's Love!" ( God Bless! )

Sneazle - 10 years ago

Happy Valentine's Day, usually you will give something to your soulmate, but I gave something to my friend. Here is for Clarke who committed suicide a few months ago.

Gr8peAp3 - 10 years ago

I'm back with a new track! Check it out!

SpaceDrive - 10 years ago

ROCK NIGHT SUMMER REMIX : http://eng.musicshake.com/song/273128

oeroe2911 - 11 years ago

Put on a Happy Face ! this Happy techno song is a collaboration between shaker - collabin ccollins and OEROE2911 !! so no matter what terrible circumstances you find yourself in, just keep calm..and put on a HAPPY FACE !!

oeroe2911 - 11 years ago

MiSSiON POSSIBLE this techno song is part of a mission impossible! I can't tell you what it's about, because that's impossible....LOL! Enjoy the song whenever it's possible...OEROE.
Play this as loud as possible !

oeroe2911 - 11 years ago

ST0RMTR00PERS PsyTrance this is a crazy and hyperfast techno/trance Song! it's a remix of an older song I created some years ago, called "take your MediCine" !
Enjoy and have Fun! OEROE

oeroe2911 - 11 years ago

OEROE'S Symphonic Rock Overture I decided it was time 4 me to give one Song all the Mixing Skills and Love possible, and my intention with this is to inspire everybody to keep on creating their music, and most important that you all keep on trying 2 improve yourself with everything you do in your Life !! I hope you will Enjoy this Epic Symphonic Rock Song@! it's the ultime remix of the song "Wind and Wuthering" !

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