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JSAW - 13 years ago

My fourth soundtrack has officially been released!!!!
I dedicated an entire year to producing this particular soundtrack. (Quality > Quantity)
This soundtrack has a total of seven sections each with their own unique name.
I am open and grateful to constructive criticism.
If you have some spare time, check it out. I hope you enjoy my hard work.

JSAW - Energy: Pulse [OST] http://eng.musicshake.com/song/179562
1) Nimbus
2) Synthesis
3) Nexus
4) Aerial
5) Drive
6) Bond
7) Radiance

JSAW - 13 years ago

This particular interlude was originally part of my third soundtrack entitled Overload: Terabyte [OST] but did not make the cut. I did not want to waste the amount of work I put on all of my instrumentals so I decided to released this track under the collection entitled Overload: Terabyte [Mixtape]. I am still working on my next OST which is about 75% done and it will be released some time in the future due to other commitments.

Overload: Terabyte [Mixtape] - Track #1

zagishah - 14 years ago

pllllllllllllllllllllllllz listen my songs

JSAW - 14 years ago

I am currently working on the prequel to "Overload: Terabyte [OST]" which I released two months ago and I am simply just spreading the word. This one will be entitled "Overload: Gigabyte [OST]" and here is a sneak preview.

JSAW - Overload [OST]:

DancingBear - 14 years ago

ANNOUNCEMENT: Live Bear Singing And Dancing!!! Check It Out: < http://eng.musicshake.com/song?sn=129149 >

bluFox - 14 years ago

thanks you very much for the fav!!! It counts ^_^

lucullus - 14 years ago

please see my profile thanks

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